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American Vinland Association - The American Vinland Association (AVA) was founded in 1995 to promote the reestablishment of the Old Religions of Northern and Central Heathen Europe. We provide credentials, support, and networking for Northern and Central European tradition Heathen folk.
Asatru Alliance - A free association of independent kindreds who practice the ancient, but ever new religion known as Asatru.
Asatru Community Church - The Asatru Folk Assembly practices the indigenous religion of our European ancestors.
Asatru Folk Assembly - Long before Christianity came to Northern Europe, our ancestors there had their own, native religions. One of these was Asatru. It was practiced by the Scandinavians, Anglo-Saxons, Germans, and related peoples for thousands of years. Today, that religion is practiced, promoted, and further developed by their descendants in the Asatru Folk Assembly.
Colectivo Ásatrú Iberoamericano - An organization for Ásatrú folk from Spain and Chile.
Frigga's Web Association - Organization established to honor the goddess Frigga.
Frigga's Web-A Frithstead For All Heathen Folk - Frigga's Web is an organization established to honor the goddess Frigga, one of the deities of the religion called Ásatrú, Heathenism, or Germanic/Teutonic Paganism.
Germanische Glaubens-Gemeinschaft - The oldest Heathen/Germanic religious association in the world. [information in English, German, and Dutch]
Irminsul Ættir - Presents an overview of the diverse religious community of Asatru, as well as resources to support study, networking and open events and religious meetings.
The Asatru Alliance - Information about the ancestral religion of Asatru, the Asatru Aliance and its activities, bylaws, and articles concerning the Living Religion of Asatru.
The New Mexico Ásatrú Council - An apolitical Norse Pagan religious organization in New Mexico devoted to learning and practicing the ancient religion of the Teutonic-Nordic peoples.
The Troth - Asatru organization with members throughout North America, and including several members in Europe and Australia as well. They publish a quarterly journal, Idunna, and carry on other publishing projects.
Thorshof - Thorshof is the Norse word for a temple of Thor, the best loved god of the pagan Icelanders.
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