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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Akhlah: The Jewish Children's Learning Network - Learn the Aleph Bet and the Hebrew Phrase of the Day with Streaming Audio, Full Torah Parsha for Children, Torah Heroes just for Jewish kids.
All Jewish Torah Discussion Board - Share your torah ideas with others on our jewish message discussion board. What better way to use your time online by talking torah and discussion judaism with others.
Being Jewish - Very extensive archive of answers to basic questions on Judaism, help in exploring observance and understanding Jewish practices.
BlueThread - "A neutral space to study the Torah, Mitzvot and their meaning to Reform Jews", searching for a common thread of knowledge, belief and practice that can be agreed upon and used to unify Orthodox, Conservative and Reform Jews. The site provides resources to beginning students of Biblical Hebrew and Torah.
Chochmat Yavneh Page - This is a collection of articles and shiurim from the faculty of the Kerem B'Yavneh Yeshiva in Israel.
Daat - A major resource of curriculum and teaching material on most areas of Jewish study, arranged by topic. Language: HEBREW
Darche Noam Institutions, Jerusalem - A Jewish learning resource from Yeshivat Darche Noam. Includes short audios on Parshat Shavua, online class on Middot - Character in Judaism, Business Ethics.
Gates to Jewish Heritage - Jewish learning website; subjects include history, Bible, and Talmud, by Rabbi David E. Lipman.
Gershon's Jewish World - Gershon's Jewish Web Pages including Gershon's Baal Teshuvah web page and Gershon's Jewish Library
Hebrew College Online - Five online courses during the Spring 2000 Semester. Conducted via the Web and e-mail, these courses may be taken for credit or non-credit.
Jewish Interactive Studies - Free online courses. One on Genesis, one on the holidays, and one on Basics of Judaism. Requires registration.
Jewish Online studies, Torah, Kabbalah, Talmud, Laws - Online step by step guided courses, based on translated and annotated texts, including Torah, Talmud, Halacha, Kabbalistic thought, Musar.
Jewish Torah Audio - Collection of RealAudio tapes of Torah classes and instructional music, in English and Hebrew, from dozens of speakers. Also has RealPlayer videos. The quality of the tapes varies, which is usually indicated before download.
JewishPath: Cyberspace Learning - Jewish and Torah Learning, Weekly Parsha, Gematria, Hebrew Yiddish Glossary, Mysticism, Responses to other Religions, Divorce, Intermarriage Conflict, Self Improvement blended with stories and humor.
Judaism For Today - Aish HaTorah - Aish HaTorah is an international network of Jewish educational centers. Our classes assume little or no Jewish background, and have achieved a worldwide reputation for making Judaism exciting, relevant and user-friendly.
Kitah Babayit Hebrew Home School - Hebrew Home School curriculum for Hebrew language, Basic Judaism and Bar/Bat Mitzvah training customized to individual learning needs for youth and adults.
Mesora - Torah elucidation - Dedicated to Scriptural and Rabbinic Verification of Jewish beliefs and practices.
Moshiach Online - With over 300 pages on Moshiach we offer the ultimate learning experience on this topic.
Ohr Somayach - Yeshivat Ohr Somayach offers courses for Jewish men, from beginners in Jewish studies to advanced studies. Also offering classes and programs that last a day, a week or a summer. Orthodox.
Project Genesis - Disseminates traditional Torah learning by sponsoring a number of online classes and discussion groups, many of which require no previous educational background. Most classes are archived. There are links to other Torah-learning resources.

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