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Astrology Charts and Reports from Extonbiz - Astrology charts and reports delivered to you within 24 hours via email. See celebrity charts and reports and visit our online astrology glossary.

whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
AstroWorks Astrology - Uses modern Horary and Electional techniques.
Astrology X-File Cabinet - Collection of articles on ancient, classical and mediaeval techniques of astrology lost to later centuries.
Astrology of Healing - Information on medical astrology and its relationship with the psyche and physiological functioning of the body. Also material on self healing, medical herbalism, energetic medicine and shamanic healing.
Forum On Astrology - Two-year astrology course based on the 17th century French astrologer Morin de Villefranche as was taught by Zoltan Mason of New York. Teaches Morin's elegant method for chart synthesis.
Heaven's Almanac - Calendar and alamancs for charting influences on health, business and love using modern electional techniques. With FAQs and articles.
History of Astrology - Useful and readable historical resource by modern astrologers Derek and Julia Parker.
History of Astrology - Useful and readable historical resource by modern astrologers Derek and Julia Parker.
Horary Cosmic Compass - Horary and electional consultations by Karin Tye using modern techniques.
Lehman Associates - Provides astrological community with materials to foster education in the form of courses, books, tapes, reference, or source materials.
Project Hindsight - A branch of the non-profit Phaser Foundation, involved in the translation and restoration of astrology works of the Hellenistic and Medieval periods.
Renaissance Astrology - Articles and learning tools from the field of traditional astrology, plus horary and electional consultations and the astrological magick and talismans of Cornelius Agrippa, Marsilio Ficino and the Picatrix. Offers astrological magic web course.
Robert Zoller's Medieval Astrology - Excellent resource for traditional medieval astrology. Contains downloadable PDF articles and books, and information on correspondence courses. Horary, natal, electional and mundane astrology questions answered by a prominent traditional astrologer.
Starry Messenger - History of Astronomy/Astrology from the Whipple Museum. Contains articles on astronomical instruments and techniques as well as prominent classical and traditional astronomer/astrologers.
Sue Ward's Astrology Pages - Resource for traditional English astrology. Contains articles, examples charts and information on courses and asking horary questions.
The Astrology of Marsilio Ficino: Divination or Science? - Details background and theory of the astrology of the famous Renaissance scholar, Marsilio Ficino.
The English Merlin - The world of William Lilly and the 17th century astrologers
WindAndSky - Medieval natal astrology from a graduate of Robert Zoller's demanding course.
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