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Buddhism and Christianity *(20)  

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Christianity and Zen - "In recent years Christians have shown increasing interest in Buddhism, an interest which doesn't arise so much from academic or neighborly curiosity, nor from any dissatisfaction with Christianity, but instead stems from a desire to return to older forms of Christian worship...forms that included the various methods of meditation that are still followed in Buddhism."
Jesus Through Buddhist Eyes - The bodhisattva from Nazareth.
Meetingbrook Hermitage - A quiet place for practice and study of Christian contemplative prayer and Zen meditation.
Monastic Interreligious Dialogue - MID was established by the Benedictine Confederation in 1978 to assume a leadership role in the dialogue between Christianity and Buddhism by developing conversations, encounters, and mututal exchange between monastics of different religions.
Mysticism Buddhist and Christian: Encounters with Jan van Ruusbroec - Book review by Roger Corless, in The Journal of Religion.
Pathless Path - Newsletter for the students of Pat Hawk, a Zen Buddhist teacher in the Diamond Sangha branch of the Harada-Yasutani lineage, who is also a Redemptorist priest. Pat Hawk leads both Zen sesshin and Christian contemplative retreats.
Portland: Seven Thunders - Spiritual community combining the Christian contemplative tradition and the Zen Buddhist tradition of the Diamond Sangha. Offers regular meditation and group meditation retreats.
The (Zen) Rule of The White Robed Monks of St. Benedict - An expression of the similarities between Zen and Christianity.
When Christianity and Buddhism Meet - by John W. Healey. "I believe that my efforts at Buddhist practice, and my reading in Buddhist literature, have subtly and significantly influenced my Christian faith--and, I would say, for the better. In moving from church to zendo and back again, I know that I have been able to respond more and more "heartily" to the gospel. It is not that I have set up a parallel religious practice (no statues of Jesus and Buddha side by side on my altar--no statues at all, come to think of it), but in "Buddhist" practice I have somehow come home in a new way to my Christian faith. What I have found in the zendo is a deeper silence than I expect to find in the church, at least in my lifetime." - Stuff and nonsense about Zen, Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, and Meditation.
Zazen and Christianity - Talk given by Yamada Roshi. "Zen is not a religion, in the same sense that Christianity is a religion. Therefore, there is no reason why Christianity and zazen cannot co-exist. Almost all Buddhist sects can be called religions. Zazen, however, is quite different in this respect. Quite simply, it is the core of all Buddhist sects."
Zen Master Dae Kwang and Father Kevin Hunt - The Institute for World Spirituality in Chicago hosted a weekend Christian - Buddhist retreat led by Father Kevin Hunt OCSO and Zen Master Dae Kwang. Two days of silent meditation, with both Christian and Zen chanting. These are excerpts from the question-and-answer period.
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