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Akshobya Buddhist Meditation centre, Nottingham - A residental Buddhist Meditation centre in Nottingham
Amitabha Kadampa Buddhist Meditation Centre - Amitabha Mahayana Buddhist Centre - Regional Buddhist College and Meditation Retreat Centre for South West England. Member of the New Kadampa Tradition (NKT).
Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Centre - Amitayus Kadampa Buddhist Centre (Crewe, UK) provides a peaceful and inspiring environment in which anyone can learn about meditation and Buddhism, how to meditate and how this can help in daily life. The Centre was founded by Ven. Geshe Kelsang Gyatso. He has written a widely acclaimed series of books on meditation, Buddhism and the Buddhist path, at all levels from introductory to advanced. Meditation is a method anyone can learn to reduce depression, stress, anger, and other negative states of mind, and increase peaceful and happy minds through training in love, compassion and wisdom.
Bodhisattva Buddhist Centre Homepage - A flourishing meditation centre located near the centre of Brighton on the Sussex coast. At the centre you can learn how to experience the benefit buddhist meditation techniques can bring to your daily life.
Buddhist Centre - Kadampa Buddhism in Birmingham - Find inner peace and happiness through meditation and Buddha`s teachings.
Compassion Buddhist Centre - Residential Buddhist centre with branch classes and study programmes
Dorjechang Centre - south London - Learn to meditate, read books, and attend classes at London Buddhist centres where you can reduce stress and develop your individual potential.
Gyaltsabje Buddhist Centre - A residential centre in the heart of Sheffield, serving as a venue where people can learn meditation and Buddhism in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. The Centre has a beautiful and tranquil meditation room, a library and a book shop.
Heruka Buddhist and Meditation Centre, London - Learn to meditate, read books, and attend classes at London Buddhist centres where you can reduce stress and develop your individual potential.
Heruka centre - south London - Learn to meditate, read books, and attend classes at London Buddhist centres where you can reduce stress and develop your individual potential.
Jampel Center - Meditation and Buddhism in Cantebury
Kadampa meditation centres in England - Find a Kadampa meditation centre near you
Kashyapa Buddhist Centre - Bradford - A peaceful and inspiring environment in hectic city life where people can learn about the Buddhist way of life and practice meditation.
Khedrupje Buddhist Centre - Meditation and Buddhism classes in the Hull area.
Losang Dragpa Buddhist Centre - Residential Buddhist centre offering retreats, working holidays, courses and teachings. The centre is at Dobroyd Castle in Todmorden, Yorkshire.
Madhyamaka meditation centre - Atttend Buddhist meditation classes and retreats in a peaceful Yorkshire meditation centre and surrounding towns and cities where you can reduce stress and develop your individual potential.
Manjushri Mahayana Buddhist Centre - A peaceful and inspiring environment where people can learn about the Buddhist way of life and practice meditation.
Shantideva Buddhist Centre - A Mahayana Buddhist centre serving the Thames Valley region with a variety of meditation, study and retreat programmes.
Tara Buddhist Centre - Tara Centre at Ashe Hall, in Derbyshire, England is a Kadampa Mahayana Buddhist college whose main purpose is to preserve and promote the essence of Buddha's teachings in a living form suited to the Western mind and way of life.
The Peaceful Mind Cafe - Learn the gentle and powerful art of meditation in a lovely cafe atmosphere. Through meditation we can enjoy a peaceful state of mind and improve our relationships with ourselves and others.

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