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International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW) - Global federation of medical organizations dedicated to the prevention of nuclear war. IPPNW received the 1985 Nobel Peace Prize. Also work on issues of land mines, small arms and light weapons, developing world debt, and chemical and biological weapons.
Middle Powers Initiative (MPI) - Provide information and resources on campaign to influence and assists middle power governments in encouraging the nuclear weapon states to take steps to reduce nuclear dangers.
NGO Committee on Disarmament - Provides open channels for communication between citizens' groups, governments and United Nations (UN) related bodies.
Nuclear Age Peace Foundation - Performs research and analysis on global peace and survival, supports the abolition of nuclear weapons, the responsible use of science and technology, and the creation of an International Criminal Court (ICC). Advisors include many Nobel Peace Laureates.
Peacewire - Cooperative effort between the Public Education for Peace Society and End the Arms Race providing useful information on peace and disarmament issues in Canada.
Project Ploughshares - Publishes quarterly Ploughshares Monitor and other papers. Working to reduce reliance on military force, abolish nuclear weapons, control the weapons trade, build peace and prevent war.
Pugwash Online - Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs. Working since 1955 to diminish the role of nuclear arms in international politics and towards nuclear disarmament. Winner of 1995 Nobel Peace prize.
South Asians Against Nukes - Information resources for peace and anti nuclear activists in South Asia. Oppose further development and testing of Pakistani and Indian bombs.
Stop the Bombs - The Oak Ridge Environmental Peace Alliance campaign to stop nuclear weapons production activities at Y-12. Includes organization news, calendar of events, information about U.S. weapons programs, and a history of Oak Ridge.
Trident Ploughshares - A campaign to disarm the UK Trident nuclear weapons system in a non-violent, open, peaceful and fully accountable manner. Provide information, news, activities and publications.
We Said, No Nukes! - The people's campaign to abolish nuclear weapons is a community of common people who are dedicated to the eradication of nuclear weapons from our planet.

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