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Articles Related to Mind Control by Thomas A. Dorman, M.D. - Mistaken psychological ideas have permeated our civilization, have been dressed with "scientism," and have served devilish purposes to the detriment of humankind. We need to preserve the freedoms of the spirit and the soul.
Breakthrough or Bust? {} - Now Merck has discovered that scientists may have been barking up the wrong tree all these years with their focus on serotonin.
Cloning of the American Mind: Eradicating Morality Through Education - Cloning of the American Mind focuses on America's "illiteracy cartel" which, the author maintains, is built around an out-of-control psychology consulting industry.
Creating Racism: Psychiatry's Betrayal - Details how racism has been fostered and promoted by psychiatry.
In the Name of Help - A novel about psychiatric abuse in the tradition of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, but, this time good triumphs over evil. It is a story filled with truth, hope and honest help.
Loren R. Mosher M. D. - A resignation letter from a former psychiatrist to the APA.
Manufacturing Victims: What the Psychology Industry is Doing to People - Behind the benevolent facade is a self-serving industry that offers 'facts' which are often unfounded, provides 'therapy' which can be damaging, and exerts influence which is having devastating effects on society.
Psychiatric Rape: Betraying Women - Betrayal is the subject of Psychiatric Rape, and it specifically concerns women who are an easy target for psychiatrists.
Psychiatrists: The Men Behind Hitler - When, on August 24, 1941, Hitler ordered that euthanasia be discontinued immediately, the psychiatric institutes continued their work in secrecy.
Psychiatry Betraying & Drugging Children - Provide a perspective and information to parents and others concerned, but most importantly to help bring sanity and control back to our care and nurturing of children. Children are our future.
Psychiatry Committing Fraud - Betraying Society - Details how psychiatry wastes money on research while in essence committing fraud.
Psychiatry Destroying Religion In the Name of Salvation - A damning indictment of psychiatrys destructive influence on religions. It calls on clergy from all denominations to denounce the degrading and costly effects of psychiatry and psychology in schools and community programs
Psychiatry Destroys Minds: Electroshock Pain and Fraud in the Name of Therapy - Covers ECT and its harmfull effects on the individual.
Psychiatry Eradicating Justice - Citizens Commission on Human Rights Home Page - Documents the involvement of psychiatry in our justice system to the detriment of society.
Psychiatry Manipulating Creativity: Harming Artists - Documents psychiatry's involvement and manipulation in the area of the arts.
Psychiatry Manipulating Creativity: Harming Artists by CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights - Detailed articles on how psychiatry has manipulated various celebrities.
Psychiatry: Destroying Morals - Goes into detail about psychiatry's systematic destruction of society's morals thus bringing about increased juvenile delinquency and crime.
Psychiatry: Education's Ruin Contents - Shows how the use of psychiatric drugs has been the major factor in education's ruin.
Psychiatry: Victimizing the Elderly - CCHR Warning! [Citizens Commission on Human Rights] - Documents psychiatry's victimization of the elderly.
Ritalin Fraud by Waters & Kraus - The law firm of Waters & Kraus takes this opportunity to announce the filing in Texas of a class action lawsuit entitled Hernandez, Plaintiff, Individually and on Behalf of all Others Similarly Situated v. Ciba Geigy Corporation, U.S.A., Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Children and Adults With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD), and the American Psychiatric Association. Dr. Peter Breggin is serving as a medical consultant in the case.

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