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Safe Passing - Includes a detailed mission to stop the Makah whale hunt and other whale saving missions.
Save The Whales - Includes action alerts, Makah updates, research, adopt a whale, captivity, and marine mammal inventory.
Saving The Whales - Includes information on how to save the whales, public comments page, and a forum. The full story of Makah hunting, late breaking news, and recent news.
Science and Conservation of Large Whales - An online scientific and educational resource for both researchers and the general public, providing relevant news, reviews, and information about great whales around the world.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - A non-profit, non-governmental organization involved with the investigation and documentation of violations of international laws, regulations, and treaties protecting marine wildlife species.
SoundNet - The Newsletter of The Oceania Project - Includes current news, action alerts, information and research.
Southern Oceans Sanctuary Tour - See, hear, and read about the expedition to stop illegal whaling in Antarctica.
Stop Whaling Now - A take-action site that describes how to help prevent whaling.
Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network - Rescues and rehabilitates marine mammals that strand along the State's coast. Provides information on research, education, mammal rescue, rehabilitation, and release.
The Dolphin Institute - Dedicated to conservation of and education about dolphins and whales. Research projects include dolphin echolocation, language capabilities, and memory and humpback whale socialization and migration.
The Marine Connection - Includes rescues, latest news, campaigns, special events, adoption, education, and information.
The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society - Dedicated exculsively to the conservation, welfare and appreciation of all whales, dolphins and porpoises.
The Whaleman Foundation - Provides information on how to help stop the gray whale hunt, Japanese whaling, and deadly sonar.
US Citizens Against Whaling - Provides information about the illegal whaling of gray whales.
Welcome to Wild Whales - Is a resource web site for the cetaceans. It focuses on humpback and killer whale research, as well as conservation and habitat stewardship.
West Coast Anti-Whaling Society - A group of citizens dedicated to preserving the sanctity of life for cetaceans. Includes whale hunt news, grey whale update, and anti-whaling highlights.
Whale Center Of New England - Includes information on humpback whales, adopt a whale, photos, research, education, conservation, right whales, and other endangered cetacean species.
Whale Foundation - An oceanic marine mammal foundation that includes an abundant amount of information on whaling, endangered species, and news.
Whale Rescue Team - Dedicated to the rescue and protection of marine mammals. Includes information on projects and campaigns.
Whales Alive - A non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and celebration of whales, includes how you can help, conservation issues, photographs, and whale watching information.

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