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Indigenous People
Native Americans
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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
American Indian Graduate Center:Financial help for Graduate School
- AIGC was established in 1969 to assist American Indian college graduates who wanted to continue their education at master's, doctorate & professional degree levels & needed financial support.
American Indian Heritage and World View Essays
- James Q. Jacobs' selected writings from an Integrated Studies class at Mesa Community College.
American Truths
- Dramatic audio presentations quoting historic documents that contrast the values, beliefs, and behaviors of indigenous and immigrant cultures, and reveal the roots of today's controversies.
Ancient Lifeways Institute
- A center in Illinois providing students, teachers and academics with direct experiences of the ways of early Native American cultures. Field schools, workshops and living history.
Blackfeet Community College
- Located on the reservation in Browning, Montana.
Brain-Box Digital Archives
- Ojibwe perspectives and resources combine in a CD-ROM archive of oral history, images, and documents, available for purchase from this site. Free material for teachers also available here.
Confederation College Aboriginal Studies
- Includes program information, projects, and contact information.
Cultural Resource Management Technician
- Online cultural resource management technician program from South Puget Sound Community College, aimed at Native American and non-native students.
Little Feather Interpretive Center
- Native American owned and run Indian Center, where education is our main goal. Features information on the sacred pipestone and a cultural awareness program.
Peace 4 Turtle Island
- Writers, artists, and photographers promoting culturally sensitive and accurate information about the Iroquois, or Haudenosaunee (People of the Longhouse). Articles, images, homework help.
Pipe Keepers
- Internatinal organization teaching the significance of pipes and quarrying the stone for making them. History, membership, events, photos.
Rediscovery International Foundation
- Rediscovery International Foundation: Cultural and Natural Heritage Programs for Youth of All Ages
Scholarships, Graduate Fellowships and Postdoctoral Awards for Native Americans
- Database of funding opportunities at all levels, gathered from major organizations and foundations.
The A.N.N.A. Foundation
- Works to preserve the Native languages, cultures and traditions of the American Indian people.
The American Indian College Fund
- Based in Denver, Colorado, the College Fund was created as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in 1989. The American Indian College Fund primarily supports tribally-controlled colleges.
The Cradleboard Teaching Project
- Native American curriculum and cross cultural exchange.
The Sayana Wolf Trust
- Documents a cultural educational project, Native American 2,000, for two Native Americans to visit the UK to work in schools sharing their music, traditional and environmental teachings with the children.
Yellowhead Tribal Council Education
- Working with established Universities, Colleges and Programs the Y.T.C. education department offers an array of educational opportunities.
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