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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
500 Nations Native American SuperSite! - Promoting economic and cultural interests of all Native Americans. Gaming and resort index, pow wow listing, shopping mall.
A Native Site For All - Consumer products, and Native American arts: beadwork, regalias, beaded cuffs, head gear. History of Waccamaw Siouans, pow wow updates. Secure ordering.
AXIOM Financial Management - Based in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. Specialization in the unique needs of Native American Communities. Bulletin board, explanation of services, links.
Allen C. Turner PhD JD - Attorney and applied legal anthropologist based in Redlands, California, USA. Specialist in Native American tribal culture and ecology law policy. CV and workshop series.
American Indian Chamber of Commerce of Texas
Black Horse Native American Entertainment and Education - Dances, flute and percussion music, storytelling, oration, blessing ceremonies. Biography of Tony Redhouse, photos and explanation of services.
CESO Aboriginal Services - Mission to assist Aboriginal communities and businesses to achieve greater self-sufficiency and growth.
Chee Chees Trading Post - Located in Browning, Montana near Glacier National Park. Native American arts and crafts: antler and bone, beadwork, accessories and jewelry, pipes, rattles, and dream catchers. Browseable catalog and order form.
Clan of the Hawk Trading Post - Abenaki owned and based in Evansville, Vermont USA. Country store includes Native American arts and crafts. Clan information, event calendar and links.
Gray Ghost Traditional Archery - Based in Springfield, Missouri, USA. Custom bows, cedar arrows, and accessories. Free lessons. Photos and links.
Haida Kloo Training - Haida Kloo is a native american training firm that has been training native american entrepreneurs since 1993. Haida Kloo offers many course on site that improves the effectiveness of new native american businesses.
Indigenous Pictures - An Indigenous female owned visual production group that offers high quality pre-production, production, and post production services for small businesses, beginning filmmakers, corporate training sets, seminars, music videos, personal and broadcast documentaries.
MIGIZI Communications, Inc. - Non-profit providing technology information to the American Indian community. Internships and job training.
Mike's Alaska Gift Shop - Tlingit paddles and plaques, hand carved in yellow cedar from Juneau, Alaska. Secure ordering.
My Potlatch - Trading Post Potlatch catalog and museum, native-owned, offers wool blankets, accessories, t-shirts in animal ceremonial designs, and other gifts.
National American Indian Enrollment Agency - Not a governmental agency. Offers professionally designed photo identification card for both tribal/federally enrolled and non-status native peoples.
Native American Cuisine - Based in Hartford, Connecticut. Catering for pow wows and other events. Pow wow menu, recipes.
Native American Dating Connection - Professional singles connection services and chat. Native American owned.
Native American Finance Officers Association - Developing professional financial and business management among Native American governments and enterprises. Board roster and bylaws, settlements, scholarships, printable membership form.
Native American One Source Healthcare Supply - Nationwide supplier based in Muskogee, Oklahoma, USA. Products include disposable wipes, foam cups, latex gloves, urinalysis tests. Secure ordering.