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Megli Farms - Handspinning flocks. Corriedale, Romney, Lincoln and Border Leicester fleeces (black and white) and Rambouillet (white only). Fleece in the grease sold online, at the farm and at auctions.
Mendocino Fiber Art - Shetland wool,white and colored Angora goat mohair, Cormo, Angora rabbit hair from local farms in Mendocino County, California.
Mountainspun Farm - Wool, luxury fibers, looms, spinning equipment, triangle shawl looms, spindles, instruction. (Mt. Snow Valley, VT)
Nature Wool - Offering organic wool and handspun yarn in a variety of colors. Also spinning wheels, knitting needles, and plant dye extracts.
Northcroft Wool - Fleeces and roving from covered sheep, angora and cashmere goats; related information and resources. (Pelican Rapids, MN)
Paradise Fibers - Fibers, spinning wheels and tools, yarn, knitting and weaving supplies, books. (Colfax, WA)
Peace of Yarn - Fiber arts business providing a large variety of spinning fibers, specializing in unique fibers and blends, including qiviut, cashmere, yak, camel, alpaca and silk.
Pine Ridge Alpacas - Offers unprocessed U.S. alpaca fiber for spinning. Broadview Heights, Ohio
Pomegranate Art In Craft - Spinning wheels and spinning accessories.
Saville Hill Farm & Studio - Spinning wheels, fiber, dyes, books, weaving supplies. (Lexington, VA)
Silken Treasures - Exotic spinning fibers and yarns, specializing in silk and silk blends with cashmere, angora, alpaca, qiviut, camel, and merino. Hand-dyed silk yarn, hankies and bricks. Jensen spinning wheels. (University Place, WA)
Simpson and Co - Offers spinning wheels, fiber, and accessories.
South Dakota Natural Colored Wool Studio - Wool available as raw whole fleeces or by the pound. Handspun and millspun yarn to knit, crochet and weave. Selection of vegetal dyed yarns and chemical-free yarns. Groton, SD
Spinner's Delight - Soft alpaca fleece for spinning, weaving and fiber arts projects.
Spinning Wheel Repairs - Repairs, renovations and restoring all types of spinning wheels on a global basis, including shaker, shetland and welsh. Repairs undertaken on all turned furniture, also range of display stands, executive toys. UK.
Steam Valley Mountain Fiber Farm - Mohair, angora, wool (Jacob). Spinning wheels (Ashford, Louet, and Schacht), books, and dyes. Breeding stock available, farm tours, educational exhibits and demonstrations. (Trout Run, PA)
Stonehill Spinning - Fiber arts supplies, classes, workshops.
Straw Into Gold - Spinning wheels (Ashford), fiber, books, yarn, dye information and recipes. (Berkeley, CA)
Sycamore Valley/Jacobs Fiberarts - Wool/angora wool rovings, handspun yarns, colored sheep, angora rabbits, handcrafted hats and mittens. (MO)
Textile Traditons In Knitting, Spinning, Weaving, Yarns - A source for spinning, knitting and weaving supplies, books, and classes.

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