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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
A Field Guide to American Spacecraft - On this site you will find the location of over 200 artifacts of America's space program including X-15's and rocket boosters.
ASTE - Advanced Systems and Telecommunications Equipment - Top stories of the European Space Agency's ASTE program.
Applied Technology Space and Satellite Training - ATI: the leading short course provider in space, satellites, and communications design courses. ATI provides 30 public short courses in space for working engineers and scientists.
Archimedes Institute - Nearly 200 links to other space policy entities.
Brad Gould's Space Resources - Many space-related links covering media, aerospace industry, government, institutional, and personal sites.
Brian's Space Hotlist - Thousands of links to quality space information. The site is intelligently organized into a number of topics, and annotations make it clear what each site listed is about.
Clark's Favorite Space Links - Menu - Excellent set of space links including space news, launch vehicles and technology.
Communications Center - Consulting services to the satellite industry with assessment of technology, financing and marketing for telecommunications systems.
Cosmiverse - Cosmiverse is a portal for space and science enthusiasts.
Destination Space - Scientific insight, video clips, images, and interactive poll on the future of space exploration from National Geographic.
Discovery Channel School - Get homework help with world book online and see how much fun learning can be in the games and adventures area.
Eads Launch Vehicles - Civil and military space vehicle industry, Eads Launch Vehicles offers all information linked to knowledge concerning spacecraft on line: projects, equipment
Encounter - Real Space Missions - Space missions for public participation. Individuals around the world can launch their photos, messages, and DNA beyond the solar system.
Encyclopedia Astronautica - most complete resource for rockets, spacecraft, launch vehicles, astronauts, cosmonauts, spaceflight, engines, space history, & exploration
Euro Space Center - To dream of reaching for the stars, climbing on board the Space Shuttle, walking on the Moon. At the Euro Space Center, this dream becomes reality.
Exploration of Space - Latest news on events in space, including Mir, the International Space Station, the Space Shuttle.
Federation of American Scientists Military Space Page
Frank Knight's Space Links - Large list of links related to space organized by category. Categories include: Space Companies, Space Missions, NASA Sites, University Projects, Space Enterprise, Military Organizations, Military Space Systems, Launch Vehicles, Astronomy, etc.
Frequently Asked Questions and Links - Answers to questions from the Kennedy Space Center. Complements the Oxford FAQ above.
Gareth's Space Web 2001 - Info on space, astronomy, International space station, MIR, and Mars mission