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Publications of famous François Morain on Primality. - A web page describing the various publications of F. Morain
Pulchritudinous Primes - Graphics and images related to prime numbers.
Random Small Primes - A site which gives some random primes up to 300 digits and more , also gives related information on primes.
Search for Prime Numbers - Search of the next prime of the form n!+1. Project information, software download, and results.
Some Results on the Number of Non-Witnesses to Compositeness - This paper introduces the reader to the Rabin-Miller probabilistic primality test, the concept of non-witnesses to compositeness, and the problem of determining the number of non-witnesses to compositeness.
Tables of Prime Numbers - Lists of prime numbers to download in plain ASCII or MS-Excel format.
Tech. History series (Prime numbers) - We use computers for everything from writing letters to making music. It's easy to forget that at their hearts, computers are number crunchers. In this Tech History report, Stan Bunger reports on how mathematicians did their work in the years BC -- before computers.
Testing for Primality - Since ancient times, mathematicians have been fascinated by problems concerning prime numbers, and many people have worked on the problem of determining ways to test if numbers are prime. One way to test if a number is prime is to find the number's divisors. The following program finds the smallest integral divisor (greater than 1) of a given number n. It does this in a straightforward way, by testing n for divisibility by successive integers starting with 2.
The 5000 largest known primes! - This is the official page for the searchable database of the 5000 largest known primes--updated weekly! Do you want to know the largest prime, Mersenne, twin, Sophie Germain...? We start with the definition of prime and list many records.
The Largest Known Primes - An integer greater than one is called a prime number if its only positive divisors (factors) are one and itself. For example, the prime divisors of 10 are 2 and 5; and the first six primes are 2, 3, 5, 7,11 and 13.
The New Book of Prime Number Records, Additions and Errata - Paulo Ribenboim has named this the "official" site for the collections of typos and errata from his text.
The Nine and Ten Primes Project - The amazing story of the discovery of nine and finally ten consecutive primes in arithmetic progression.
The Nth Prime Page - This online calculator finds the Nth prime, with N up to 10^12. It also finds the pi function (given a number, this function returns the number of primes below that number).
The Prime Glossary - The award wining Prime Glossary has over 150 pages of definitions and terms related to prime numbers and factoring.
The Prime Page - Methods and definitions of finding prime numbers.
The Prime Page (An Index of Information on Prime Numbers) - The prime source for information about prime numbers!
The Prime Puzzles & Problems Connection - Carlos Rivera's collection of problems and puzzles related to prime numbers.
The Time Traveler - A group with new propositions in various areas of number theory.
Timing Tests on Three Primality Test Formulations. - Y.K.Huen. It is well known that whilst primality algorithms are extremely efficient when compared to brute force trial divisions, they yield probabilistic results meaning that there is a remote chance that one could find a counterexample.
Twin Primes - Up to 10^14.

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