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NASA Center for Computational Sciences - Maintained by NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center's Earth and Space Data Computing Division. Description of facilities and services.
NASA High Performance Computing and Communications Program - Researches aerosciences, remote exploration, and networking. Research description, annual reports, and images.
NSF Engineering Research Center for Computational Field Simulation - Conducting coordinated cross-disciplinary research through interaction with industrial and governmental affiliates.
NSF Science and Technology Center - A collaboration of five universities researches scientific visualization. Information about the group and educational opportunities.
National Center for Supercomputing Applications - Information about supercomputing and computing applications, as well as information on research the center is conducting.
Ohio Supercomputer Center
PSC - Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center. Research, educational outreach, and supercomputing news.
Parallab - Institute for Informatics, University of Bergen, Norway. Description of computing facilities.
RADIANT - The Research and Development in Advanced Network Technology is a part of the Network Engineering Group (CIC-5) at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Publications bibliography and project descriptions.
SCAI - Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing. Events and projects.
SCV - Scientific computing and visualization group at Boston University. Research in computational science and engineering, scientific visualization, and computer graphics.
STAR Lab - InterTrust's Strategic Technologies and Architectural Research Laboratory works on a broad range of topics relevant to digital rights management and electronic commerce.
San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) - The central nexus for the National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure. Publications, research, and news.
Scalable Computing Laboratory
Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute - University of Utah. Researches visualization, imaging, and applications to biomedicine. Description of current projects.
Supercomputing Institute
Swedish Institute of Computer Science - A non-profit research organization specializing in real-time computer and network architecture; and software methodology and human-machine interaction for distributed systems.
Swiss Center for Scientific Computing, Manno/Lugano - Part of Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zürich), the SCSC provides expertise and high-end computing resources for Swiss universities and collaborates in research and development with academic and industrial groups in Switzerland, Europe and abroad.
The Centre for Novel Computing - Researches operating systems and compilers. Project descriptions and published papers available.
The International Computer Science Institute

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