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Earth Sciences
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Glacial Geomorphology
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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
A Survey of Quaternary Terrace Formations in the Conterminous U.S.
- fluvial, lacustrine, and coastal terraces
Applied Geomorphological Surveys
- Education and training in Earth Resources and Environmental Geosciences, through International Institute for Aerospace Survey and Earth Sciences, the largest institute for international higher education in the Netherlands. Its main objective is to assist developing countries in human resources development in aerospace surveys, Remote Sensing applications, the establishment and management of geoinformation systems and the management of geoinformation.
Canadian Landscapes
- Collection of photos of Canadian Landscapes and landforms is presented to illustrate the great diversity of Canadian scenery. Brief geological explanations provide insight on how the features developed. The photos were taken by scientists of the Geological Survey of Canada during the last 30 years.
Carolina Bays
- Investigation into the possible origin of these enigmatic wetland depressions scattered across the Eastern U.S. coastal plain from southern New Jersey to northern Florida.
Deserts: Geology and Resources
- USGS online book, written for a general audience. Covers desert climates, desert landforms, sand dunes and aeolian processes, evaporite mineral deposits, and related topics.
Geography -
- Information and internet links on geomorphology and other topics in geography.
Geomorfologia dynamiczna / Dynamic geomorphology
- Part of "The Virtual Geomorphology"
Geomorphological Processes
- Terrain Classification System For British Columbia.
Geomorphology from Space
- Online textbook of geomorphology, featuring images of the landforms of the world, as seen from space. (From NASA)
ITC, Division of Applied Geomorphological Surveys
- Courses in earth resources and environmental geosciences, with the specializations coastal zone management; natural hazard studies; land degradation, rehabilitation and conservation; and geological resources management.
Is Geomorphology within Geography or Geology?
- Extended discussion of the question whether geomorphology is a subdiscipline of geology or of physical geography.
Landforms of the World
- Educational site about earth landforms.
Mystery of Pothole Origins
- Photo essay on potholes of the Niagara Escarpment. Links to other sites on potholes.
Origins of Niagara Falls - A Geological History
- How bedrock geology and glacial meltwater interacted to form an impressive waterfall.
Pediment Formation in the Mojave Desert of California
- Short article describing the process of formation.
Selected geomorphological features in Austria and in the Alps
- short discussions of several glacial and fluvial landforms
Terrain Sciences Division Main Page
- Terrain Sciences Division, Geological Survey of Canada.
The Lake Missoula Floods
- Flooding from Glacial Lake Missoula in Northern Idaho and Western Montana formed the Channeled Scablands of Eastern Washington State and shaped the landscape of the U.S. Pacific Northwest.
The Virtual Geomorphology
- Electronic textbook assembled from links to on-line resources. Languages: English, Polish.
Tropical Geomorphology Newsletter
- biannual bulletin for scholars concerned with geomorphic processes and landscapes in the tropics
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