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Albany Medical College - Programs lead to M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Links are provided to much information about the program. Research specialties include: Cell Biology and Cancer Research, Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Immunology and Microbial Disease, Cardiovascular Sciences
Ball State University Physiology and Health Science - Master of Science and Ph.D. degree programs are described. Links to program, faculty, student information are provided.
California State University, Northridge - Exercise Physiology - Students may specialize in Adapted Physical Education, Biomechanics, Exercise Physiology, General Studies, Motor Behavior, or Teaching/Coaching. The culminating experience may consist of thesis or thesis-project (journal manuscript).
Central Michigan University Graduate Studies - The Central Michigan University Department of Biology offers the master of science (M.S.) degree with emphasis in aquatic biology, ecology, conservation biology, behavior and behavioral ecology, physiology, microbial ecology, molecular biology, and immunology. The degree is offered with both thesis and nonthesis options.
Colorado State University Department of Physiology - Both the Ph.D. and M.S. programs are flexible in content; the only required courses are the graduate-level sequence in mammalian physiology and departmental seminars; Ph.D. students also must take a course in advanced cell biology.
Columbia University Physiology Department - The objective of The Graduate Program in Physiology and Cellular Biophysics is to provide a stimulating and supportive environment in which graduate students acquire fundamental training in cellular and molecular biology and biophysics.
Cornell University Graduate Program in Physiology - Overview of research, administrative, and educational programs, with links to affiliated centers.
Dartmouth University Molecular, Cellular and Systems Physiology - The Department of Physiology at Dartmouth Medical School offers a Graduate Program leading to a Ph.D. for students seeking careers as independent investigators and teachers in physiology and related fields.
Department of Physiology, NY Medical College - The Department offers both a Masters and Doctorate degree in Physiology. The scientific concentration of the department is cardiovascular and neuroscience
East Carolina University Physiology - A Ph.D. degree program in physiology is offered. Program, faculty, and student information is provided.
East Tennessee State University Physiology - M.S. and Ph.D. degree programs are offered. Links to program information are provided.
Georgetown University Department of Physiology and Biophysics - This Department provides a full range of research training experiences and graduate courses, offers both M.S. and PhD. degrees, and participates in the M.D./Ph.D. and multi-disciplinary programs within the Medical Center.
Georgia State University Biology - Master of Science and Ph.D. degree programs in cell biology and physiology are described.
Graduate Program in Physiology and Neurobiology - The University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - Robert Wood Johnson Medical School Neuroscience and Cell Biology department pursues strong state-of-the-art research in various biological fields using its advanced research facilities.
Howard University Physiology and Biophysics - Ph.D. program is offered with specialties in many areas of physiology. Links to program information are included.
Illinois State University Physiology - Ph.D. and M.S. degrees are offered in Cell Biology, Physiology, and Developmental Biology.
Indiana State University Physiology - The Department of Life Sciences offers three Graduate degrees, the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), the Master of Arts (M.A.), and the Master of Science (M.S.)
Indiana University Purdue University Physiology - Masters and Ph.D. programs are offered. Links describe research areas, graduate programs, and local environment.
Iowa State University Animal Physiology - Two areas of specialization (Reproductive Physiology and Muscle Biology) are available to graduate students in Animal Physiology at both the M.S. and Ph.D. level, including the nonthesis option:.
Johns Hopkins University Physiology - The Department of Physiology accepts students for graduate study leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Applicants must satisfy the requirements of the Department before admission. Candidates for the degree of Master of Arts in Physiology are not accepted.

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