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Institute of Molecular Bioscience - The Institute for Molecular Bioscience is the centrepiece of a research complex being developed by the University of Queensland in partnership with Australia's CSIRO and other research agencies. Research focus is on animal, biomedical and pharmaceutical research and it has a major division of genomics and bioinformatics.
Lawrence H. Baker Center for Bioinformatics and Biological Statistics - Bioinformatics faculty, research, training, and resources at Iowa State University.
Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics - Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, Uppsala, Sweden, research areas include Algorithms and Databases, Genome Studies, Expression and Function, and Structure and Design. Runs courses and seminars in Bioinformatics.
Modlab - The Molecular Design Laboratory of the University of Freiburg - Germany - Modlab is a virtual research group at the biological faculty of the University of Freiburg. Its main aim is to complement the biology, chemistry and computer science curricula by teaching and research in bioinformatics and molecular design, and to provide the Gecco!(TM) prediction server.
NASA Ames Center for Bioinformatics - Dedicated to the development and application of advanced visualization, computation and simulation technologies to support NASA Space Life Science research.
NDSU Plant Abiotic Stress, Genomics and Bioinformatics Group - Homepage of a group at North Dakota State University.
Theoretical and computational biology group - The Theoretical and computational biology group at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge is headed by Cyrus Chothia. The group has a strong interest in genome analysis and protein structure.
UC Santa Cruz Bioinformatics Research Group - The University of California, Santa Cruz Bioinformatics group built the tools Genie for gene-finding and SAM for hidden Markov models. Interests include assembling the human genome, protein structure prediction, stochastic context-free grammars for RNA alignment.
UCLA Bioinformatics - Main web site for the UCLA Bioinformatics program.
Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire - The Virtual Institute of Bioinformatics in Eire (VIBE) is an initiative to consolidate bioinformatics research in the Republic of Ireland.

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