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Sunday: Interview, Workplace Relations Minister Tony Abbott - The big winner in January's Cabinet reshuffle was one of the Prime Minister's closest advisors, Tony Abbott. He stepped up into the super ministry of Workplace Relations, Employment and Small Business.
Sunday: Inteview, Education Minister Dr David Kemp - The Minister for Education, Training and Youth Affairs, Dr David Kemp, talks with Sunday's Political Editor, Laurie Oakes.
Sunday: Inverview, Philip Ruddock, Immigration Minister - Friday's court decision in Darwin has tossed the emotive issue of the stolen generations right back into the lap of the politicians. The Federal Court acknowledged that two Aborigines taken from their families had suffered a terrible childhood, so will Canberra now grasp the nettle? The Minister for Immigration and Reconciliation Philip Ruddock talks with him Sunday's political editor, Laurie Oakes.
The Australian: Beware: bigotry is back - As one of Amnesty's more energetic members, a co-founder of the parliamentary branch, Philip Ruddock wore that badge proudly for many years. These days he displays it defiantly, ignoring the demands of many Amnesty members that he remove it, and himself from the organisation.
The Australian: ALP to target Macfarlane - Labor will target Small Business Minister Ian Macfarlane again, claiming he has changed his story on a GST scam five times.
The Australian: An albatross who will have to go - Let's be clear about one thing; ministerial sackings and resignations, are rarely, if ever, decided on matters of principle. Rather they are almost always determined by the exact opposite: political expediency.
The Australian: Approach to education "appalling" - High school principals have broken a long silence to deliver an indictment of the federal Government's "appalling" approach to public education funding.
The Australian: Bleeding heart damned by five years of neglect: Cheryl Kernot - After five years of opportunity where actions (or lack of) speak louder than words, John Howard wants us to believe that he really does care after all about social values such as quality aged care, the environment (except for greenhouse) and the stresses of life for families with working parents.
The Australian: Boat people 'a security risk' - Boat people trying to come to Australia posed a potential security risk, Immigration Minister Philip Ruddock has warned.
The Australian: Boatpeople have thrown sinking PM a lifeline - Graham Richardson must have appreciated John Howard's handiwork with the Tampa. Not on the point of principle, perhaps, but as one professional exponent of the political craft admiring the skills of another.
The Australian: Burke awake to disgrace of defeat - Ii's 4am on Friday and Denis Burke can't sleep. He'll be in at the office at 5.30am anyway, preparing for national radio interviews and talking to his team, but an extra hour of rest eludes him.
The Australian: Captain shocked at PM's reaction - After repeated pleas for humanitarian assistance, Arne Rinnan was relieved to know help was on its way to the Tampa at last but he didn't expect 49 crack SAS troops with automatic weapons.
The Australian: Editorial: Macfarlane must go on all counts - It beggars belief that a small business minister doesn't know - or seem to care - how the GST should be applied in his own backyard.
The Australian: Editorial: Media policy switch leaves us in the dark - The Government's intention to scrap Australia's restrictive media ownership laws has raised some eyebrows, but no one is holding their breath about a sudden change to current regulatory regime.
The Australian: Editorial: PM digs deeper into refugee policy quagmire - John Howard is determined to deliver some hard lessons to people-smugglers. The problem is they are not listening, and it is Mr Howard who is learning the hard way.
The Australian: Editorial: PM's refugee bungling defies reason and decency - The Government's reaction to the appearance of 438 asylum-seekers on our doorstep has degenerated from an offensive, inhumane embarrassment into a full-blown domestic and foreign policy crisis.
The Australian: Editorial: Short-term solution at long-term cost - Who could have predicted it would come to anything as farcical as this? That a country as rich and as vast as Australia would sool its crack troops on to a Norwegian cargo ship that had the decency to rescue four hundred or so mainly Afghani asylum-seekers who were supposedly threatening our national security by seeking to land on Christmas Island.
The Australian: Election funding error adds to Macfarlane woes - Election campaign funding for embattled Small Business Minister Ian Macfarlane has been audited after it was discovered a political donation had not been declared.
The Australian: Howard calls in the UN - Having defied international anger at his handling of the Christmas Island crisis, John Howard yesterday appealed to UN chief Kofi Annan to take control of assessing the refugee claims of up to 460 asylum-seekers stranded aboard the Norwegian vessel MS Tampa.
The Australian: Inflammatory denial of human dignity - The Howard Government has embarked on the most cynical, costly, dishonest, dangerous and destructive foreign affairs and defence adventure in the recent history of this country, certainly in my 22 years of paying serious attention.

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