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SMH: The woodworm in the ALP basement - The body language said it all. At The Lodge on Monday night, John Howard was cool and convivial as he hosted Christmas drinks for the Parliamentary Press Gallery. When one scribe asked why the drinks had been turned off, the Prime Minister turned them back on.
SMH: Tolerant, multicultural Sydney can face this difficult truth - Running scared from a link between ethnicity and crime is no answer. And neither is Bob Carr's get-tough sentencing plan, says Paul Sheehan.
SMH: Tough time for Labor as nation rallies to PM - The Herald poll on the Tampa crisis shouts the messages that politicians on both sides expected. Australians are unforgiving of boat people, and they are behind the leader who takes a stand against them.
SMH: Tripodi accused of business threats - The parliamentary staff member who applied for an apprehended violence order (AVO) to be taken out on Joe Tripodi has accused the NSW ALP MP of wanting to drive her husband's commercial interests out of his electorate.
SMH: Tripodi promises to stay away - The NSW State ALP MP for Fairfield, Mr Joe Tripodi, has been ordered to appear in court in late July for a full hearing into an apprehended violence order being sought against him.
SMH: True and false: ALP chief claims ignorance - The director of Labor's Queensland election campaign has admitted he may have witnessed a false electoral enrolment application.
SMH: Two-year lag on pledge to test car emissions - The NSW State Government has failed to meet its timetable for introducing compulsory car emission tests, which formed part of its 25-year plan to clean up Sydney's air.
SMH: Uninformed stunts leave legal system crying rape - Political posturing over punishment for rapists has serious consequences for the mechanisms of justice, writes Richard Ackland.
SMH: Victorious Beattie's landslide - Premier Peter Beattie stormed to a second term in yesterday's Queensland election, blitzing both the Nationals and Liberals off the political map.
SMH: Wanted: defeated Neal's election campaign money - The NSW ALP is chasing more than $60,000 raised at a $750-a-plate lunch for the failed candidate for the Federal seat of Robertson, Ms Belinda Neal.
SMH: Whelan in damage control after blunder - The NSW State Government is facing a community crisis of confidence over its handling of the Cabramatta policing debacle after a botched attempt yesterday by the Police Minister, Mr Whelan, to show he was on top of the problem.
SMH: Whistleblower protected - A judge has rejected court action by a NSW Labor MP to force The Sun-Herald to reveal its sources for a story.
SMH: White Australia Policy revisited, says Labor MP - Labor's decision to back the Government's tough stand on asylum seekers drew criticism from within its own ranks yesterday, as well from the Greens and refugee groups.
SMH: Wooldridge's shock exit gives Labor healthy boost - The ALP believes the shock retirement of the Minister for Health, Dr Wooldridge, will boost its chances of gaining office and give it added credibility in the key election battleground of health.
SMH:Parents' fury as massacre plot exposed - Parents and the NSW Opposition have attacked the NSW Minister for Education as "sensationalist" for revealing details of a plan by a 15-year-old high school student to mimic the Columbine High School massacre.
Sunday: Interview, Clare Martin - With the result of the Northern Territory poll showing a likely Labor victory Sunday's political editor Laurie Oakes talks with the Territory's Labor leader, Clare Martin.
Sunday: Interview, Greg Sword, ALP National President - Labor rout in Queensland would be terminal for the federal ALP's hopes of ousting John Howard at next year's national election. A swag of Coalition marginals it must win are in Queensland. It's a nightmare for Labor's national president, Greg Sword, who talks with Sunday's political editor.
Sunday: Interview, Greg Sword, Labor Party Federal President - Labor's federal president Greg Sword talks to Laurie Oakes about the Aston poll
Sunday: Interview, Kim Beazley, Federal Opposition Leader - Three opinion polls this week, the first since the start of the new tax, all show Labor with its nose in front, but its support is tumbling and the Coalition is catching up fast. Mr Beazley talks with Sunday's Political Editor, Laurie Oakes.
Sunday: Interview, Opposition Leader Kim Beazley - Does the ALP bandwagon in the states have the legs to make it all the way to Canberra? Opposition Leader Kim Beazley talks with Sunday's political editor Laurie Oakes.

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