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Ireland's Historic Science Centre - Located at Birr Castle Demesne, this major science museum provides details of layout and exhibits and key Irish scientists. Also available are notes on the famous Leviathan, the Great Telescope of Birr.
Irish Association for Quaternary Studies - Provides a interdisciplinary forum for the cross-fertilisation of ideas in Quaternary studies in Ireland. Membership, newsletter, events, publications, committee.
Irish Dolphins - Aims to give accurate information about 'friendly' or sociable wild dolphins (and whales) around the coastal waters of Ireland and provides news, a note on the producers, notes on specific dolphins, photos, links, contact data and a newsletter facility.
Irish Earth Science Internet Directory - Searchable database of email addresses; related links.
Irish Farming And Rural Movement - Small site devoted to issues effecting small farmers in Ireland. Includes educational resources for farmers.
Irish Geological Association - Information on this organisation which caters for both professional and amateur geologists. Includes a geologists directory and their constitution.
Irish Meteorological Society - Website including programme information of events, details abou the society and how to join.
Irish Peatland Conservation Council - One of Ireland's leading environmental campaigning groups, with information on bogs, press releases, fundraising, education and contacts.
Irish Research Scientists' Association - This large network of individuals and organisations promoting research excellence provides news, events and policies.
Irish Science Centres Association - ISCAN fosters and promotes the public understanding of science and technology in Ireland. Newsletters, places of interest, events, membership details and an archive are provided.
Irish Seal Sanctuary - News, including planned seal releases, details of work and how to support it, team members, contact details, and what to do if a stranded seal pup is found.
Irish Seedsavers Association - This conservation organisation dedicated to the preservation of Ireland's special and disappearing varieties of fruit, grains and vegetables, provides background information, details of projects, membership and sponsorship notes, and event and contact data.
Just Forests - This voluntary group, concerned with sustainable development and global deforestation outlines its mission, involvement with the Forest Stewardship Council, campaigns and exhbitions, and provides listings of timber suppliers and links.
Knockbridge and Kilkerley Environmental Notes - Nature notes from Dundalk in Ireland. Garden Birdwatching and Trees Flowers animals
Materials Ireland - A materials science joint initiative between Irish industry and academia, with sections for different scientific centres covering aspects of the field.
Native Woodland Trust - This group, which aims to protect remaining native woodlands, provides details about itself, its various campaigns, up to date news and articles.
Oiche - Ireland's night sky live and interactive. - National site providing details of Irish science events, career guidance and role models, and developing links and other material by science area.
Sonairte, the National Ecology Centre - Promoting ecological awareness and education and providing details of its activities and services, attractions, location and means of supporting its work.
Sustainable Ireland, the Foyle Basin Council - This small organisation, based in Derry, provides education and training, and media support, on a range of environment and development issues in the cross-border region in the north west of Ireland. Details of the services, community links, staff and contacts are offered, as well as articles, discussion groups and a shop.

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