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Bhopal Express - The official site of the Mahesh Mathai film, unraveling the 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy, offers real story, pictures, audio and video clips. Cast includes Naseeruddin Shah and Zeenat Aman.
Bhopal Gas Disaster - Descriptions of the event, the human cost, and the principal players now. - On the gas disaster, accounts of similar tragedies, the companies involved, and survivor stories. - Bhopal 15th Anniversary.
Econet: Bhopal Day of Action - Article urging activism and rememberance of the chemical accident.
Essential Action: Bhopal - Bhopal pages at the Essental Action site; campaign to end corporate assaults on human health and the environment.
Toxic Clouds Respect No Boundaries - A review of Bhopal, India and death of 2,000 people and destruction caused by the largest chemical accident in its day (circa 1985).
Union Carbide: Bhopal - Facts about the disaster including relief and aid provided, the Browning report and a case study of the incident. Investigation of the tragedy at Bhopal concludes that a disgruntled employee caused the disaster.
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