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Fields of Music Teaching Tools for Math, Language, Science and Geography
- Fields of Music Multi-Sensory Teaching Tools help educate children in Math, Language, Science and Geography. The tools are designed for preschool through sixth grade students.
Forefront Curriculum-Literature Resources for the K-12 Classroom
- Includes links to online literature resources and language arts lessons.
K-12 Sources - Curriculum - Lesson Plans
- KNC offers three age appropriate levels of original curriculum for grades K-12 and a filter/browser to help keep students safe while learning online.
Learning In Deed
- An initiative which aims to make service-learning -- a teaching strategy that integrates service to others with classroom instruction -- part of every K-12 student's experience.
- Free printable resources for parents and teachers of children in preschool, kindergarten, first, second, and third grade
McREL Curriculum Publishers Database
- Database of curriculum publishers for preschool through high school.
- A comprehensive program that provides both student and teacher with the critical training and certification necessary to succeed in today's high tech environment.
Rivendell Educational Archive
- The Rivendell Educational Archive, now in its 3rd year, provides K-12 curriculum resources for students and educators. Rivendell includes articles, biographies, reading lists, and images, in addition to off-site research links in the following core-curriculum areas: botany, drama, history, literature, math, philosophy, science and visual arts.
Science and Technology Concepts for Middle Schools
- STC/MS is an inquiry-based middle school science curriculum developed by the National Science Science Resources Center. This student/teacher site supplements the STC/MS curriculum and can be used as a research guide for students. -- A Service of Tudor Publishing Company
- A list of state educational standards coupled to lesson plans and resources sponsored by an educational publisher. Not all states are complete.
- Information on how to teach circus skills in an educational or recreational setting. Topics include juggling, unicycling, diabolo, devil sticks and balancing.
The Problem with CalWORKS
- Written from the perspective of a private Children's Center.
Understanding Educational Planning
- An educational planning guide to help school districts determine where they are going and how to get there.
United Nations' CyberSchoolBus
- A K-12 online educational resource on global issues and the UN. Projects, lesson plans, quizzes, games and puzzles make learning about our world fun.
VirtEd - Virtual Education
- A resource webpage for educators, students and parents explaining virtual education and listing of links to author created learning websites.
WWW Projects: Activity Structures
- Sample Curriculum-Based K-12 Educational Telecomputing Projects, Organized by Activity Structures
With Miles to go before I Sleep
- A virtual journey on the Underground Railroad for students in grades 4 - 10. Using realtime data on the Web, students keep journals where they respond to problems that they encounter along the way. Students also have an opportunity to participate in contemporary ethical discussions on topics related to slavery.
Zephyr Press curriculum materials
- Curriculum materials for K-12 teachers.
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