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African Rock Python (3) Chondro or Green Tree Python (6)
Anaconda (4) Dumeril's Boa (4)
Ball or Royal Python (24) Rainbow Boa (6)
Black-Headed Python (3) Reticulated Python (13)
Blood Pythons (5) Rosy Boa (6)
Boa Constrictor (7) Sand Boa (4)
Burmese Python (6) Tree Boa (5)
Carpet Python (16) Woma (5)
Children's Pythons (5)  

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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
AFH Guidelines for the Keeping of Large Constrictors - These Guidelines have been approved by the American Federation of Herpetoculturist's (AFH) Board of Directors as the official Guidelines for the keeping of large constrictors.
Australian Pythons: The Larger Liasis - This article, originally published in The Herpetophile, contains descriptions and information about the keeping and breeding of various Australian pythons including the Water, Olive, Australian Scrub, and North Territory Rock pythons.
Boids Page - A snake owner's photos and descriptions of various Boas and Pythons, along with bits of advice and anecdotal information.
Candoia Owners/Breeders Forum - A message board mini-community where owners and breeders of Candoias can compare notes, ask questions and brag.
Captive Husbandry and Propagation of Candoia - Basic care and breeding information for boas of the genus Candoia.
Care of Pet Boas and Pythons - General information on the housing, feeding and health of boas and pythons, compiled by the Bird and Exotic Animal Practice of Orange County. - A site dedicated to disseminating information about Green Tree Pythons or Chondros and Common Boas.
Dave's Boas & Pythons - Website run by a snake hobbyist. Includes a species guide, photos and anecdotes regarding his own boas and pythons, advice on breeding and housing, and links.
Feeding Snakes - Frequently asked questions regarding feeding snakes.
Frequently Asked Questions - Information for persons interested in owning a boa constrictor.
Karl's Place - Captive care sheets and photos for the various pythons found in Australia.
Madagascar Tree Boa - Information on the care and breeding of the Madagascar Tree Boa (Boa mandarita). Poorly formatted, but a lot of helpful information.
Python Color and Pattern Morphs - An article by Bob Clark which originally appeared in Reptiles magazine.
Python Page - A complete resource for all your Python needs.
Pythons and Boas - Information sheets on several species of Boids. - Extensive collection of information related to the captive husbandry of pythons and some boas. Detailed care sheets.
Rob's House of Snakes - Photos and anecdotes from a snake hobbyist who owns an Albino Burmese Python, two Columbian Red Tailed Boas, two Queensland Carpet Pythons, and one Dumerils Boa. - Snake owners' web page includes pictures and care information for rosy boas, ball pythons, Hog Island boas, and western hognose. - About ball pythons and boa constrictors. Includes pictures.
The Boa Kingdom - Information on the Amazon and Emerald Tree Boas.

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