whatUseek Collection Sites (submit a site ):
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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
American Politicals.com - Large selection of political toys, custom made political toys, adult gifts, and collectibles.
Aspen Designs - Wholesaler of Republican fund-raising merchandise and jewelry. Designs, manufactures, and distributes to political clubs, organizations and individuals.
Buck Hold Jones and Co. - Sells a sterling silver Presidential walking stick featuring Abraham Lincoln.
Campaign Buttons-Etc.Com - Buttons and other political collectibles of presidential candidates and New York and New Jersey campaigns sold online. Paper catalogue available.
CampaignCollectibles - An on-line auction house for American political campaign collectibles, including political Americana, pins, buttons, bumper stickers, and posters.
CyberBee Political Memorabilia - Historical background and an exhibition of items from the Ohio Historical Society and the Macy Hallock collections.
Drew Julian's Political Collectibles - Austin, Texas collector offering a broad selection of political buttons, posters, and pamphlets.
George W. Bush Campaign Memorabilia Collectors Group - Features memorabilia from Bush's gubernatorial and presidential campaigns, as well as items from campaigns of other Bush family members.
George W. Bush Online Store - Campaign-sanctioned website for all Bush-Cheney and George W. Bush for President campaign materials, gift items and wearables.
Green Pages Store - Ecological and socially responsible merchandise.
Hail to the Chiefs - Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Kennedy and other presidential memorabilia items for sale.
Northern Sun - Issue-oriented T-shirts, buttons, bumper stickers, posters, mugs, and other collectibles.
Patriotic Jewelry - Purveyor of pins and jewelry such as American flags, Republican elephants, and other conservative themes.
PoliKicks - Offer political buttons and presidential campaign memorabilia and collectibles. Includes FAQ, shows, buying tips, glossary, and online store.
Political Memorabilia - Lapel pins, buttons, and bumper stickers for political parties in Britain, the United States, Canada, Australia, and Mexico.
Political Memorabilia Marketplace - Political buttons and memorabilia bought, sold, and traded. APIC member.
PoliticalGifts.com - Earn commission on each sale.
PoliticalShop.com - Offers Election 2000 campaign merchandise and political collectibles. Items include buttons, T-shirts, bumper stickers, pins, limited edition collector, and gift sets.
Politico's - Westminster, London political bookstore and coffee house, located in Westminster, London. Site lists available political publications, giftware, videos, postcards, artwork, and other items for sale.
Republican Gifts - Patriotic and Republican Party logo gift items for all ages, from ties and jewelry, to baby bibs and stuffed animals.