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Smurfing Cripples ISPs - The latest denial-of-service attack is possibly the worst the Internet has ever seen, says one victim. And critics say the national providers seem to be asleep at the switch. [Wired News]
Sniffing Out Bio Weapons - Doctors sharing information on Hepatitis C hope to apply what they learn about the spread of the disease to tracking down bio-weapons rogues. By Kristi Coale. [Wired News]
Software Backdoors Let out Draft - When the backdoor passwords to some of 3Com's networking products were revealed on the Net last week, the company's customers were suddenly faced with a potential security hazard. How many other products use similar backdoor schemes, and why are they used at all? By Michael Stutz. [Wired News]
Spacecraft Won't Make Deadline - A NASA craft studying asteroids will not make its mission deadline after radio communications were blacked out for 27 hours. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]
Spam Jams Pac Bell's Email Services - An unprecedented deluge of spam thwarted delivery of mail to thousands of Pacific Bell Internet customers this week. An executive estimated that damages could run a half-million dollars. [Wired News]
Squeezing More Miles Out of a Wesson Bottle - In the ancient temple city of Kyoto, Japan, waste cooking oil is being converted to diesel fuel for use by the city's garbage trucks. Indications are that carbon dioxide emissions could be cut by 30 percent using the "bio diesel fuel." [Wired News]
Stalemate at Spam Summit? - In the first meeting of its kind, the Direct Marketing Association meets with anti-spam activists to hash out the sticky politics of spam. Deborah Scoblionkov reports from Washington. [Wired News]
Star Light, Star Bright - University of Arizona astronomers find a way to reduce the glare from stars so they can get a better look at distant planets. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Starry Outlook for Sim Chips - Using an algorithm developed by astronomers, university researchers have created a software program that could vastly improve the process of designing computer chips. By Ilan Greenberg. [Wired News]
Strange But True: Java-based NCs on Intel Chips - IBM and Intel are going to build network computers together. The announcement could be great news for Java. [Wired News]
Streaming Media's Salvation - Streamed Web content will take off when the programming is better, easier, and deeper than traditional media fare. Or so goes the thinking at the Streaming Media '98 conference. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Streaming Web Video Unplugged - Geo Interactive says Java is the answer to video streaming on the Net. At this week's Internet World, the company drives the point home with a brash campaign. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Street Cred: Internet Walkman? - Audible Inc.'s new portable audio player does for the Internet what Sony did for cassettes: With several hours of storage capacity, the compact Audible player allows you to listen to your favorite RealAudio tunes, wherever you are. [Wired News]
Street Cred: Power-Packed Portable - Finally, a palm-sized notebook that packs enough power to make it useful as something other than a doorstop. [Wired News]
Street Cred: New World View - The Globuscope panoramic camera is the wildest looking photographic device you've ever seen. And its 360-degree picture-taking capability makes it the tool of choice for creating seamless QuickTime VR landscapes. [Wired News]
Stress Testing the High-Tech Set - If you want to get ahead in the high-tech industry, new research suggests that intuition, quick thinking, and the ability to juggle 10 or 20 balls at once is the recipe for success. [Wired News]
Stuffing Spam's Mail Slot - A new version of popular mail software for Unix servers has spiffed up its anti-spam tricks. As it is adopted by the Net's mail infrastructure, it could become a seawall against the tide of spam. [Wired News]
Stupid Comdex Tricks - A music software vendor stages a fake political rally to drum up business. Polly Sprenger reports from Las Vegas. [Wired News]
Stylizing the Web Page, Take 2 - An update of cascading style sheets, a standard for adding style and control to Web pages, advances within the World Wide Web Consortium. Page-builders like the new features, but hope that this time around, Microsoft and Netscape are better between the sheets. [Wired News]
Sun Gives Java a Personal Touch - The release of the PersonalJava software draws the technology closer to its genesis plan of being an OS for household appliances. [Wired News]

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