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Silicon Alley North? - The Highlight Quebec conference in New York pitches the idea of collaboration between digital Canadians and their US neighbors. [Wired News]
Silicon Alley Struts Its Stuff - The movers and the shakers of the New York new media scene take their dubious talents out of the closet in a benefit for a new organization that funds independent Web projects. [Wired News]
Silicon Valley Space Crunch - Real estate is so tight that one Los Altos company has been forced to house its support personnel in a former dry cleaner's shop. [Wired News]
SimCity Gets Realer - With an upgrade coming in February, the game that started the simulation craze 10 years ago is back -- and now, it's free and online. By Steve Silberman. [Wired News]
Site Sues over Dr. Laura Nudes - The former host of the teen virgins hoax warns other Web sites to keep their mitts off its full-frontal Dr. Laura photos. At least one webmaster puts up a fight. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]
Slaves to the View-Master - The once futuristic plaything has become a retro pastime for many modern adults. By Mark Frauenfelder. [Wired News]
Sleeping Beauty vs. the World - Do you have what it takes to fight the greatest corporate entertainment monster of all time? Try your hand at a game that parodies the Walt Disney empire. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
Small Soldiers No Big Deal - Joe Dante's latest sinister comedy isn't so sinister. Or that funny, either. By Dave McCoy. [Wired News]
Smells (Almost) Like Web Art - A New York artist pretends to preview his latest work. It may be art, but it isn't the Web. By Reena Jana. [Wired News]
Smithsonian's History of Little Things - Hammers, bowling balls, sack dresses, and other humble objects reveal their stories in an innovative online exhibition. [Wired News]
So Long, Celluloid - Movie studios buy into digital projection systems that could free them from distributing celluloid to theaters. By Judy DeMocker. [Wired News]
Some Nerve - Nerve defined "literate smut" as a new literary form. Now the zine is leading the movement from Web to print. By Niall McKay. [Wired News]
Something Gross About Mary - There's Something About Mary, the latest picture from Hollywood's most perverse directors, will shake up summer boredom, shock folks everywhere, and hammer another nail into the heart of political correctness. By Dave McCoy. [Wired News]
Something Old, Something New - As we move deeper into the new media and info-tech future, old media will not die. We will simply recycle it, conclude participants in the Communicating Culture conference. By Judy Bryan. [Wired News]
Something Old, Something New - As we move deeper into the new media and info-tech future, old media will not die. We will simply recycle it, conclude participants in the Communicating Culture conference. By Judy Bryan. [Wired News]
SonicNet Eyes Interactive TV - A coming relaunch will reorganize the music site, boost its content, and experiment with video interactivity - all in hopes on being ready by the time interactive cable becomes a reality. [Wired News]
Sony Makes Big Push Into Online Gaming - The company has created a new division devoted solely to online entertainment, hoping its film and TV properties, in addition to its other games, will lure players away from their TV sets. [Wired News]
Sowing the Digital Seeds - Nicholas Berezovsky is crossing the prairie the old, hard way -- by covered wagon -- to convince Kansas historians to enter the era of online archiving. By Steve Silberman. [Wired News]
Space Oddity - NASA's much-trumpeted plans to blast Senator John Glenn into outer space just may trace their roots to an episode of The Simpsons. By Mr. Mxyzptlk. [Wired News]
Spaceport Resort Lands - An art installation/nightclub exhibits the effect a regular Star Trek diet has on some artists. It involves funny outfits and singing in space languages. By John Alderman. [Wired News]

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