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USWeb to Buy CKS for $324M - Web-site developer USWeb will acquire CKS Group, a Web marketing firm, to form a formidable new company: Reinvent Communications. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Uninstall It, Symantec Told - A federal judge grants CyberMedia's request and orders Symantec to stop shipping Norton Uninstall Deluxe while CyberMedia continues to pursue its copyright infringement lawsuit. By Kourosh Karimkhany. [Wired News]
Up Close and Personal with VCs - A new software package designed to help entrepreneurs meet the right venture capitalists not only offers a database of the VCs' firms, but a little dirt on their private lives as well. [Wired News]
Updata: Reback's Epilog - Microsoft's nemesis once asked if it would take the downfall of Netscape to convince Janet Reno to acknowledge Microsoft's anticompetitive practices. Reback's faith has been restored. [Wired News]
Using Bots to Buy Books - The emergence of shopbots, which help you look for the cheapest price among participating sites, spell trouble for brand-name online retailers. [Wired News]
Utility Software Merger - Network Associates, an aggressive security software developer on a three-year shopping spree, buys rival CyberMedia for US$130 million. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Viagra and Sex Sites Don't Mix - The operators of a porno site say Pfizer is pressuring them to give up their domain name. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Viagrafalls Falls to Pfizer - The maker of Viagra wins a court order preventing a porno site from using the domain. It's a rare win for a domain-name latecomer. [Wired News]
Victoria's Secret: E-Tail - The lingerie company is planning to launch an online store that combines the Net's two killer apps: e-commerce and sex. That ought to get a rise out of Wall Street. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Wal-Mart Sues Web Upstarts - The retail king says online vendor and nascent are hiring its executives to steal information-technology expertise. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Wal-Mart v. Amazon Delayed - The judge overseeing the suit against the online bookseller recuses himself after revealing his ownership of Wal-Mart stock. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Wall Street Goes Shopping - Stocks rise as the holiday spending spree kicks into high gear. Internet retailers lead the way amid hopes for a watershed in e-commerce. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Wall Street Holds Its Breath - Profits, impeachment, Iraq -- too much uncertainty. But see that blazing light overhead? It's's record-high share price. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Wall Street Throttles Back - Following a day of record highs, many tech stocks return to more sensible levels as wary investors sell off shares. Except, that is, red-hot online brokerages. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Wall Street Unfazed by Turmoil - Amid armed conflict and impeachment debate, investors focus instead on red-hot tech stocks and a persistently sunny outlook for digital commerce. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Wall Street Y2K Report: A- - Wall Street's computers passed a two-week test for year 2000 bugs. But the sponsors say a much bigger test is needed, just to be sure. By Yukari Iwatani. [Wired News]
Wall Street Y2K Tests Done - Brokerages and exchanges have finished a two-week test to see how well their computers would hold up at the end of the millennium. They passed with flying colors. By Yukari Iwatani. [Wired News]
WaveRider Cuts the Wires - A small Canadian startup will introduce a wireless modem and Internet access service that it says will lower costs for ISPs. By Claudia Graziano. [Wired News]
Wealth Is Overrated - And other heresies, as pronounced by Peter Drucker. [Wired News]
Web Portals Play Leapfrog - Each time a Big Four Web portal site leaps to the forefront by adding another new service -- as Excite did this week -- the others are compelled to play copycat. Where will it end? [Wired News]

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