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SMIL Hopes to Weave the Streams - A new markup language under consideration with the World Wide Web Consortium could change the face of multimedia on the Web. [Wired News]
Satellite Swatter Stops Spies in Space - A stealthy space craft is part of the US Army's efforts to engage in its own star wars. [Wired News]
Scammers Use Yahoo Again - A message circulating the Net falsely announces prizes, then asks recipients to send their credit card information to an address at Yahoo Mail. [Wired News]
Scans: Big Brother Is Washing You - Soap up. Hygience Guard, an infrared system by Net/Tech International, catches food-service employees with their pants down. [Wired News]
Scans: Irrefutable Evidence - The FBI builds a DNA database. Authorized by the 1994 DNA Identification Act, the system will be used by state, local, and federal authorities to help solve crimes in which DNA evidence is routinely left usually in sexual assault cases. [Wired News]
Scans: Lighter Laptops? - Plastic batteries may lighten portable computers, but their lifespan still leaves many wanting more. [Wired News]
Scans: Most Valuable Player - Inderpal Bhandari has created a data-mining application called Advanced Scout. It's transforming the way NBA coaches prep for games. [Wired News]
Scans: Nano Feelies - Scientists have created a mechanism that enables them to virtually manipulate specimens, making them appear 1 million times larger than actual size. [Wired News]
Scans: Tracking Turbulence - Wind sheer has always imperiled airplanes during rapid ascent or steep landings. A new Doppler radar system could save lives. [Wired News]
Scientists Find the Human Cheat Code - The recently isolated protein telomerase may hold the key to extending human life. [Wired News]
Scientists Hunt for Silicon Replacement - Advances in superconductor science may have wide-ranging implications for the computer and communications industry. [Wired News]
Scientists Mine Bacteria for Better Storage - It turns out that a protein found in salt marshes could be the key to a high-density data-storage system. [Wired News]
Scientists Send Satellite to Scope Seascape - Oceanographers hope an orbiting sensor will yield pictures and information about the deep unknown. [Wired News]
Scientists Set Out on Sonar Sea Hunt - Improvements in sonar are helping a team of researchers plumb the murky depths of the Mediterranean in search of Roman cargo and make heads and tails of tiny objects. [Wired News]
Scientists Set Out on Sonar Sea Hunt - Improvements in sonar are helping a team of researchers plumb the murky depths of the Mediterranean in search of Roman cargo and make heads and tails of tiny objects. [Wired News]
Scoping Out the History of the Universe - New data from the Hubble and W. M. Keck telescopes reveal clues about how we got here. [Wired News]
Seattle Station Joins the Digital TV Bunch - KOMO TV begins testing high-definition television. But wait 15 years to judge the results. [Wired News]
Security Report Begs Explanation - A government/industry collaboration to protect the "critical infrastructures" in the networked cyber age is long on goals, short on specifics. [Wired News]
Seeding Intelligence - MIT professor Rodney Brooks' AI made it to Mars. Now, he's trying to dispel the myth that there's something special about being human. [Wired News]
Seeing His Work in Action, in Space - Rodney Brooks' work is helping drive Sojourner. [Wired News]

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