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Senate Bills Challenge Clinton on Crypto - Two bills, including a new version of the Pro-CODE bill, hit the Senate floor. Both try for a compromise between privacy and security concerns. [Wired News]
Senate Committee OKs Net Gambling Ban - The Judiciary Committee includes a provision that would override state laws legalizing online betting. [Wired News]
Senate Democrats Plan Disaster-Relief All-Nighter - In a stunt they hope will bring Congress closer to helping flood and tornado victims, an angry contingent promises to go online and keep the Senate up all night to get a bill passed. [Wired News]
Senate Panel OKs Net No-Tax Bill - To city and state displeasure, legislation would freeze new Internet-specific taxes through 2003. [Wired News]
Senate Passes Nuke Waste Bill - But supporters of the proposal to set up a temporary storage facility for high-level nuclear waste fail to attain a veto-proof majority. [Wired News]
Senate Questions Commerce Nomination - Bill Daley's lobbying efforts for Deutsche Telekom could get him lobbed out of Cabinet contention. [Wired News]
Senate Spam Bill Proposes Filters, Not Bans - Suddenly, fighting spam is a legislative priority in Congress. A bill introduced by Alaska Republican Frank Murkowski takes a different approach than a House proposal. [Wired News]
Senate Spat over Lott's FCC Picks - The Senate majority leader announces his choices for two Republican seats on the commission and sends one of the GOP's Net activists into a snit. [Wired News]
Senate Votes to Outlaw Bomb-Making Info - An amendment to a defense spending bill would prohibit the distribution of bomb-making instructions in newspapers, zines, books, and on the Net. [Wired News]
Senators Embrace Mandatory Data Keys - The Clinton administration and the FBI director are finally winning some ardent adherents in Congress for their view that any software using encryption must have a key recovery feature. [Wired News]
Senators Embrace Mandatory Data Keys - The Clinton administration and the FBI director are finally winning some ardent adherents in Congress for their view that any software using encryption must have a key recovery feature. [Wired News]
Senators Hear Netscape CEO on Crypto - In a closed-door meeting, Jim Barksdale gives nine senators and congressional staffers his pitch on formulating crypto policy, as all sides lean toward a compromise. [Wired News]
Serb Dissidents Brandish Net as Info Weapon - Dissidents relay accounts of the Serbian government's crackdown over the Internet. [Wired News]
Seven New Top-Level Domains OK'd - The international panel in charge of signing off on top-level domains approves .firm, .store., .web, .arts, .rec, .info, and .nom. That's just the start of sorting out the name issues, though. [Wired News]
Shedding Electronic Light on Campaign Finance - California's Legislature and secretary of state push new efforts to give wider public access to who spends what to elect whom. [Wired News]
Silicon Valley Heavies Form Own Lobby - Following up its successful fight against a California initiative that would have opened the way for shareholder lawsuits against tech companies, the industry organizes to press its political interests. [Wired News]
Silicon Valley Panel Says 'No' to Filtering - In a replay of library debates all over the country, a Santa Clara County, California, citizens' advisory panel supports continued free access to Internet content on public terminals. [Wired News]
Since When Does the FDA Regulate Software? - A House bill would strictly regulate all software used in clinical settings. Needless to say, software manufacturers are not amused. [Wired News]
Site Publishes, Pulls Disputed Jury Report - The long-ago-completed work of a Denver grand jury that investigated Colorado's Rocky Flats nuclear weapons facility made it onto the Digital Cities Denver site. But then the site's publisher had second thoughts about legal liability. [Wired News]
Site Wages Fight for Breast-Cancer Bills - Two congresswomen who have so far been unable to get a hearing for legislation that would require insurance companies to cover a wider range of breast-cancer treatment try to stir some grass-roots support on the Web. [Wired News]

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