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Crawling Comdex: PDA Orgy! - Everyone at Comdex just has to have a PDA. Funny, no one's using them, says Mark Frauenfelder. [Wired News]
DNA Attaché is 'the Beginning of a Revolution' - The Army has made genetic analysis cheaper and portable with the DNA Analysis Kit. [Wired News]
Diba, Mitsubishi Team to Cut Developer Costs - The two are creating a component platform that they claim will cut the costs of building information appliances by at least 50 percent. [Wired News]
Die-Hards Keep Text-Based Browser Alive on the Web - Jeffrey Veen talks to the head of the Lynx development effort. [Wired News]
Digital TV Feud: Viewers the Real Winners? - Digital TV accord means dual standards, not dueling standards. [Wired News]
ET Phones Home, Via Satellite Dish - Using a standard backyard satellite TV dish, a microwave receiver, a pre-amplifier, and a computer, H. Paul Shuch has been scanning the cosmos for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence. Suburbia meets the final frontier. [Wired News]
Fast, Cheap Net Access - and Why You Can't Have It - The technology's available, but the FCC and telcos aren't willing to open up the radio spectrum for fast, cheap Internet access. [Wired News]
For Sale: In-Flight Fun and Games - You might be playing Quake with fellow passengers at 30,000 feet next year. And yes, there will be ads. [Wired News]
Forget Your Password - ZDNet is pushing what it calls "a safe, central storage location for" passwords. Is it? [Wired News]
Fractal Antennae Move Cellular's Plumbing Indoors - As a Cornell physicist puts it,'Why have a communication device that fits in your shirt pocket when you have an antenna that sticks out a foot?' [Wired News]
Genetic Breakthrough May Unravel Human Brain - Researchers may be closer to understanding how humans think and how disease affects the brain. [Wired News]
Get Un-Plugged for Thanksgiving - Shut off your computer this weekend [Wired News]
Giving a Voice to the 'Mouth Without a Brain' - Computers have made huge advances in recent years, so why does voice synthesis still sound like hell? [Wired News]
Here's What's in Store for the Web in 1997 - Jeffrey Veen predicts that Microsoft will take the technological lead in the browser wars in 1997. [Wired News]
Hey, Your Web's in My TV! - Access the Web with no configuration or maintenance? The future may be here. [Wired News]
Honest Talk between Browsers and Servers - Browsers are from Venus, servers are from Mars. Here's how they negotiate mime types. [Wired News]
ISP Keeps Traffic in the 'Hood - A new network access point will keep packets closer to home, save ISPs some dough, and spell better service for you. [Wired News]
Intel Takes One Small Step Toward Video Net Phone - Intel claims its Net phone technology is intimate. But it still feels like a call from outer space. [Wired News]
Intel Wins Teraflops Race, Cray Begs to Differ - Intel says it broke the teraflops computing speed barrier. But Cray will sell you one off the shelf. [Wired News]
It's MailBank's Net. We Just Surf It - Who owns the Net? You may be surprised. [Wired News]

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