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A Vicious Beating, and Comforting Words - To be silenced as the result of one's opinions is transforming. In Jon Katz's case, it was unprecedented. [Wired News]
APEC: Long-Term Gain, Short-Term Nothing - Economists say US tech companies may have to wait years before reaping rewards from lower tariffs. [Wired News]
ASEAN Tries to Woo US Capital with New Patent Agency - But skeptics say enforcement won't mean a thing if it ain't got that sting. [Wired News]
Banned on Radio, Belgrade Dissidents Take to Net - The government shut down the Serbian capital's only independent radio station, but it continues to broadcast using RealAudio. [Wired News]
Britain Launches Net Smut Hotline - Britain enlists its citizens to help clean up the Internet by reporting sites with potentially illegal content to a hotline. [Wired News]
Bureaucrats Making Net Policy May Not Understand the Medium - Lack of experience among decision makers could lead to problematic laws requiring frequent renegotiation. [Wired News]
CFC Accord May Avert Skin Cancer Epidemic - An international accord to phase out ozone-damaging industrial chemicals will likely save many people from skin cancer, Dutch researchers say. [Wired News]
Cable Follies: Why Rates Keep Climbing Despite Deregulation - The telecom act was supposed to deregulate the cable industry and lower prices for consumers in the name of healthy competition. Here's why it hasn't happened. [Wired News]
California Watchdog Group to Track Lawmakers Online - The California Voter Foundation Web site will oversee legislative process [Wired News]
Can New Media Rise from Old Media's Ethical Ashes? - As surveys show a decline in public trust in American journalism, Jon Katz finds a need for a code of ethics. [Wired News]
Can't We All Just Govern Together? - Underwritten by 22 corporate sponsors, the Internet Law and Policy Forum is a global, nongovernmental organization engaging worldwide stakeholders. [Wired News]
Chile con Controversy - Clinton needs to extend NAFTA, Gore gets squeezed between labor and trade. [Wired News]
Clinton Must Not Shirk China - As Clinton travels in the East, John Heilemann wonders whether he will deal with the largest challenge in Asia. [Wired News]
Clinton's Best-kept Secret: His Trade Accomplishments - Clinton's record on trade could prove historic; it depends on how he handles APEC. [Wired News]
Clinton's Crypto Move May Impede Current Suits - New rules could impact progress of export control cases now under way. [Wired News]
Companies to Pay Higher Toll for 800 Calls - The FCC move has pleased local telephone companies, but is drawing the ire of companies that pay for toll-free numbers. [Wired News]
Congress and FCC To Get Down-and-Dirty in 105th - Some Congress members have the FCC in their cross hairs, but the commission won't sit still. [Wired News]
Constitutional Review of Crypto Rules Sought - University professor Dan Bernstein's lawyers maintain that some aspects of the new Commerce Department regulations already have been struck down by a federal judge. [Wired News]
Court Cracks Open Crypto Policy - A federal judge says encryption source code is protected by the First Amendment - but her ruling applies only in Northern California. Will other courts be considering the view? [Wired News]
Cybersitter Goes after Teen - Solid Oak Software claims the head of an anti-censorship group illegally obtained a list of sites that Cybersitter blocks. [Wired News]

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