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Drudge Hollywood: Some Star Wars Fans Rebelling - The release of 'improved' Star Wars is upsetting some of the faithful, Matt Drudge says. One loyal fan says it's 'like watching your childhood being raped.' [Wired News]
Drudge Hollywood: The Presidential Party Season - Clinton is preparing for 22 Yuletide parties and a less glitzy second inaugural. [Wired News]
Drudge Hollywood: The Wall Street Journal's Fee-Basing - The Wall Street Journal Web site, the first major online newspaper to enforce fee-based access, has just passed 30,000 customers. Who's next to start charging? Plus: Butt-head, and Whitewater [Wired News]
Drudge Hollywood: Why Ovitz Should Have Kept Quiet - Ovitz may lose his entire $90 million Disney severance because he couldn't keep quiet about it. [Wired News]
Drudge Politics: Clinton Vows to Tune In, Log On - So far, the president's bridge to the 21st century is pen and paper. Will that change in '97? [Wired News]
Drudge Report: Oprah vs. Rosie for the Oscars - Oprah's a contender to host the Awards - but wait, what about Rosie? [Wired News]
Drudge Vegas: That Comdex Attitude - Matt Drudge finds there's more kitsch at Comdex than in Hollywood [Wired News]
Drudge Washington: Buchanan Still Divides GOP - Buchanan 'remains the emotional fault line in the GOP,' a party insider tells columnist Matt Drudge. [Wired News]
Drudge Washington: China Blasts US as '97 Dawns - Columnist Matt Drudge on China's end-of-the-year fury, Newt's TV moment, Drudge praise and thank-yous, Vegas New Year's, and 1997 forecasts. [Wired News]
Drudge Washington: The Wrath of Watkins - Not content to let inaugural month pass with just parties and poetry, The American Spectator unleashes a damning interview with David Watkins, former director of administration in the Clinton White House. [Wired News]
Drudge: Spanish Station Wins Ratings Battle - WLTV in Miami is the first Spanish-language outlet to win a prime-time ratings battle in a major market [Wired News]
Electric Minds' 'Illusion' Draws 2,000 First-Week Members - Juxtaposition of content and conferencing distinguishes E-Minds. [Wired News]
Electric Word: Smell These Fonts - Bulletin from the front lines of the Digital Revolution. [Wired News]
Electric Word: The Art of Conversation - A British composer makes original music using cell phone conversations scavenged from the airwaves. [Wired News]
Eno's Book Traces A Year with Swollen Appendices - Colin Berry wagers that most readers would give their eyeteeth for a single day's worth of Eno's tribulations. [Wired News]
Eon4 Fans, Employees Protest AMCY - Producers resign and fans whine as AMCY tries to woo a mainstream audience [Wired News]
Experimentalist X-Art Unveils blast5art - The work will reside in a MOO, in the subway, on the Web, and in a New York gallery. [Wired News]
Festival Reveals Problem With Live Electronic Music - Though essentially about recontextualization of sound, the Recombinant festival was itself dependent on the context in which it was seen. [Wired News]
First Emperor's Army on the March at Virtual Heritage - Using VR technologies, historians re-create sites such as Gettysburg and Stonehenge. [Wired News]
For Interactive Artist, It's Lonely on the Edge - Andrew Leonard considers Frank Coleman's interactive artwork, in which online technology and creativity merge in fascinating ways. Is his vision passe, or passionately prescient? [Wired News]

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