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Compaq rolls out Alpha server - Compaq released a new class of enterprise corporate servers today, its first products to contain Alpha processors. []
Compaq sees life in Alpha chip - Compaq Computer said today that it planned to continue using Digital Equipment's high-powered Alpha processor for another ten years even as Intel nears the release of its competing Merced chip. []
Compaq weathering transition - With the inventory glut behind it and the assimilation of Digital under way, Compaq Computer is expected to report improved earnings of 6 cents a share for the third quarter when it holds its conference call with analysts Wednesday. []
Compaq's software shift - First, it was consulting. Now, Compaq will move into the software market with discrete, server-level applications that will likely come out later this year. []
Compromise on copyright bill - Federal lawmakers have reached a compromise on copyright legislation that would drastically alter consumers' rights when it comes to online research and e-commerce. However, broad powers for database owners to safeguard their entire collections have been scrapped, sources say. []
Computer lease scam busted - Two men have been convicted in Los Angeles of receiving fraudulently leased Dell computers and reselling them to unsuspecting customers. []
Confusion mars DTV's debut - A study says the market for digital television will slog through a period of consumer confusion, but don't tell that to Mitsubishi or Intel. []
Congress OKs lawsuit curbs - With high-tech companies in mind, both the House and Senate today passed legislation to curb shareholder lawsuits against companies with volatile stock prices. []
Congress OKs tech gender gap study - Congress is creating a commission to study whether women face a "silicon ceiling" when trying to get--and keep--the most lucrative jobs in the high-tech and science industries. []
Congress pushes Net issues - With the end of its session looming, both houses of Congress are working furiously to move a number of Internet bills forward. At the forefront are taxes, keeping adult content away from wired children, and copyrights. []
Congress pushes tech bills - In the final hours of Congress's session, lawmakers are trying to slam through bills governing Net content for minors, skilled foreign worker visas, and shareholder lawsuits, among others. The high-tech provisions were slapped onto a major spending bill that President Clinton is expected to sign, and are set to be cleared by lawmakers as late as Tuesday. []
Congress takes on Y2K - The Senate seems to be taking on the Year 2000 technology problem at full force this week, backing a controversial bill that will protect companies that are disclosing information about fixing the bug, as well as debating the threat the millennium glitch poses to emergency services. []
Congress takes on Y2K - The Senate seems to be taking on the Year 2000 technology problem at full force this week, backing a controversial bill that will protect companies that are disclosing information about fixing the bug, as well as debating the threat the millennium glitch poses to emergency services. []
Congress's Y2K push - Before Congress adjourns tomorrow, there is likely to be heavy debate on whether to use surplus budget funds for Y2K expenses, and the president is expected to sign off on the recently passed Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act. []
Congress's Y2K push - Before Congress adjourns tomorrow, there is likely to be heavy debate on whether to use surplus budget funds for Y2K expenses, and the president is expected to sign off on the recently passed Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act. []
Consensus on DSL standards - A preliminary standard for digital subscriber line modems has been set, paving the way for faster modems that can offer high-speed Internet access over regular phone lines. []
Controversial ad standard in works - Two companies that supply software for online advertising are proposing a standard on how ads are counted, a plan that threatens to exacerbate tensions between Web sites and advertisers in the short run. []
Copyright law will cost Net radio - Now that President Clinton has signed into law sweeping protections for digital intellectual property, online radio stations will face new fees for spinning records on the Net. []
Corel adds Red Hat Linux again - Canadian software maker Corel and Red Hat Software today announced an agreement to bring Red Hat's Linux to the Corel Computer NetWinder family of thin clients and thin servers. []
Corel revs Linux strategy - Corel will give away its Linux-based version of WordPerfect 8 Personal Edition starting in November. []

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