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NEC, Gateway back Navigator - Two major PC manufacturers, NEC and Gateway 2000, have broken ranks with Microsoft by quietly allowing certain customers to configure computers with Netscape Communications' Navigator on Windows 98 machines and are planning larger-scale programs to make Navigator more accessible to all their customers. []
NFL stays on ESPN team - The NFL today made official its selection of Disney subsidiary ESPN as its Web site partner. []
NSI could see downside - Network Solutions' stock has fallen more than 35 percent since mid-April, as investors become increasingly concerned about an impending federal report on domain names. []
NT antitrust's next battleground - While the marriage of Microsoft's Internet Explorer to its Windows 95 and Windows 98 operating systems so far has been the most visible front in the war between the company and antitrust enforcers, Windows NT is likely to become the next high-profile battleground, according to regulators and outside observers. []
Net a boon to offline shopping - Everyone knows that people increasingly are going online to shop. According to a new study, however, that's only half the story: Right now, the Net is contributing more to commerce offline than online. []
Net a boon to summer movies - Here come the summer blockbusters. Not movies--movie Web sites. []
Net companies in demand - Despite their billion-dollar valuations, Internet companies may hold the key to old media's push into the online world. []
Net firms debut game services - The Net gateway sites are getting into the game--literally. []
Net music pirates face lawsuits - The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is putting the legal squeeze on Web site operators in its ongoing effort to crack down on music pirates who illegally distribute tunes over the Net. []
Net replaces satellite for NPR - At 6:10 p.m. ET last night, thousands of radios tuned to National Public Radio's popular drive-time show All Things Considered went dead. []
Net to help track food poisoning - A new Internet-based network should quickly help identify and stop outbreaks of food poisoning around the United States. []
Net-controlled robot "born" - Imagine logging on to the Net before you leave work and commanding a personal robot to water the plants, flip on the lights, and defrost a pot roast for dinner. []
NetChannel price tag revealed - America Online paid about $29 million for its acquisition of Web-enhanced television company NetChannel, government documents revealed. []
NetObjects execs back the farm - The top management at NetObjects is showing its confidence in the company by taking a stake worth more than $1 million in the venture-backed Internet software toolmaker. []
Netcenter adds job boards - Netscape Communications will announce a career section tomorrow for its Netcenter site, the latest addition in its 60-day blitz to build out portal's portfolio of content and services. []
Netizens ponder universal access - After rural schools and underfunded libraries get plugged into the Net, an online event kicking off today asks, "Who's next?" []
Netscape CEO to increase stake - Netscape Communications' chief executive Jim Barksdale, who earned only $1 in compensation last year and returned a stock option grant of 300,000 shares to the company, plans to increase his stake in the software maker. []
Netscape book details browser war - As far back as 1995, Netscape Communications quietly began investigating the legality of Microsoft's business practices and had contact with the Justice Department about its nemesis, according to a newly published book on the software maker. []
Netscape by the numbers - With a controversial earnings report involving a $54.2 million loss for the month of January, in addition to the announcement of two new content deals and the release of a tell-all book, Netscape Communications finds itself back in the spotlight. []
Netscape channel for small firms - In the latest addition to its two-month Netcenter construction effort, Netscape Communications today announced the launch of a channel for small-business content. []

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