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Net aflame with Taco Bell protests - The Taco Bell Chihuahua may be smaller than a cat or even a loaf of bread, but he has folks all across America, especially those of Latino heritage, growling at him--especially on the Internet. []
Net banking services for Japan - Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi (BTM) said today that it would introduce a new Internet banking service for private clients in collaboration with Microsoft. []
Net brokers look overseas - Electronic brokers are starting to follow big U.S. securities firms abroad, with E*Trade Group announcing it is entering the Japanese market. []
Net called boon to music sales - Seagram chief executive Edgar Bronfman Jr., whose company recently agreed to buy rival music producer PolyGram, says the Internet could cut costs and revolutionize music distribution. []
Net catalog for Home Depot unit - Connect Incorporated said it is creating an online catalog and ordering system for Home Depot Incorporated's Maintenance Warehouse, a leading reseller of building repair products. []
Net celebrates James Joyce - Fans of the Irish writer James Joyce can participate in the annual Bloomsday celebration of Joyce's most famous novel Ulysses by listening to readings from all over the world for the first time via the Internet. []
Net could change education - Without ever taking a seat in a classroom, millions of students around the world will soon be able to earn a diploma by taking courses over the Internet, computer industry leaders said. []
Net crusaders target Madison Ave. - Pioneers of Internet marketing are gearing up for a long campaign to win over the pessimists of the advertising world. []
Net forcing car sales reform - Canada's retail auto sector was jolted by news that a major auto retailer in southern Ontario intends to take its shares public and seek a listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. []
Net gambling set to take off - More than $10 billion will be gambled online by 2002 as operators take advantage of the huge audience reach and cost savings of the Internet, market analyst Datamonitor said today. []
Net gaming to reach billion mark - More than 15 million people in the United States and Europe will be paying around $1.4 billion to play computer games online by the year 2002, according to a new report. []
Net helps Chinese dissidents - In this electronic era, the police guards outside the home of Beijing dissident Ren Wanding can watch his movements day and night, but they can't stop him from networking online with his democracy activist friends. []
Net industry reacts to FTC threat - In a last-ditch effort to counter the Federal Trade Commission's scathing report due tomorrow about the state of online privacy, high-tech trade groups representing more than 11,000 companies sent President Clinton a letter today asking for a final shot at self-regulation. []
Net music business tunes in - The active Internet music business has shown its two sides of late, with copyright issues popping up on one hand and executives waxing bullish about sales on the other. []
Net music firm faces copyright push - A company with a unique plan for making money on the Net in the music business could find its lucrative enterprise threatened by one of the thorniest issues around: Net copyright. []
Net no substitute for stockbrokers - The dawn of Internet trading does not mean stockbrokers are becoming obsolete, a Merrill Lynch executive told a technology conference. []
Net privacy plans scrutinized - Leading online industry proposals to safeguard privacy were slammed by experts today for lacking strict enforcement mechanisms and consumer recourse. []
Net quandary for Bells - "Shall we dance?" Internet companies can expect to hear that proposition increasingly from telcos and print media corporations seeking to expand in cyberspace. Today's report of AT&T tentatively bidding for America Online is just one case in point, and more are expected. []
Net radio firms tune up deals - The Internet radio sector got a boost today with two players striking deals to increase distribution and e-commerce. []
Net retailer hurt by congestion - Internet retailer CyberShop International said today that congestion on its computer systems had hurt sales, but sales in April and May had doubled from a year earlier. []

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