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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Stargazer's Delight - Learn about the universe with this desktop planetarium
Starry Night Basic - See what the sky looks like from anywhere in the galaxy
Terrachrone (68K) - View the daytime and nighttime regions of Earth
Terrachrone (PowerPC) - View the daytime and nighttime regions of the Earth
Treefrog Chemistry Qual Analysis - Increase your chemistry and reagent knowledge
VSEPRplex (68K) - Get an introduction to molecular modeling
VSEPRplex (PowerPC) - Get an introduction to molecular modeling
WeatherTracker - Find out where it's raining around the world
World Biomes (68K) - Learn about the world's major terrestrial biomes
World Biomes (PowerPC) - Learn about the world's major terrestrial biomes
YP Circular - Get a better understanding of the physics of circles
YP Collisions - Study the collision between two particles through simulation
YP Image - Construct ray diagrams
YP Planetary Gear - Observe the motion of a planetary gear train
YP Projectiles - Simulate and study the physics of projectile motion
YP Reflection - Study the reflection of lasers
YP Refraction - Learn about the refraction of light in geometrical optics
YP Slider Crank - Examine the motion of a piston activated by a slider crank
YP Vernier - Learn how to use a vernier to measure length

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