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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Parens - Try this multipurpose scientific calculator
PowerCalc - Get complicated math problems under control
PowerCalc - Get complicated math problems under control
PowerCalc Lite - Get complicated math problems under control
Prime-Mates - Learn prime numbers as factors
Protractor - Measure angles with a digital protractor tool
Protractor - Measure angles with a digital protractor tool
RTG MathCards - Develop strong arithmetic skills
Regress + - Generate mathematical equations and distributions with this free program
Smart Dots - Count by numbers, connect the dots, and reveal hidden objects with Freddie
Snakey Math - Practice your math arcade style
Solid Geometry (68K) - Create three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional objects
Solid Geometry (PowerPC) - Create three-dimensional shapes from two-dimensional objects
The Graph Club - Create any kind of graph imaginable
Theorist for Mac - Manipulate, evaluate and graph algebraic equations
Touchdown Math: Decimals - Test students' decimal point skills while playing a head-to-head football game
Touchdown Math: Fractions - Test students' mathematical skills while playing a head-to-head football game
Touchdown Math: Percents - Test students' percentage skills while playing a head-to-head football game
Touchdown Math: Rounding - Test students' mathematical rounding skills while playing a head-to-head football game
Touchdown Math: Whole Numbers - Test students' mathematical skills while playing a head-to-head football game

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