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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
An American's Guide to Canada - An American who has lived in Canada for several years tries to give his fellow-citizens an idea of what happens north of the border.
CBC4Kids - A Canadian web portal just for kids. Includes news, sports, polls, online club, games, history, and educational activities.
CMCC - Storytelling: the Art of Knowledge - "The stories we want to share with you here are from the Inuvialuit, the Algonquin, the Métis and Cree, the Nisgaa, the Abenaki and the Mikmaq."
Canada - Article from Encarta Encyclopedia provides a detailed overview of the nation, its history, its people, and its culture today.
Canada Information Office - Facts on Canada - A comprehensive collection of fact sheets about the land, its government, its people, and their culture.
Canada's Digital Collections - Showcases over 375 web sites celebrating Canada's history, geography, science, technology, and culture.
CanadaInfo: A Tribute to Canada - A look at the nation's government, its history and people, the land itself, and the Canadian military.
Canadan Electronic Passport - Online lesson series focuses on the land and the people of Canada. Created for middle schoolers.
Canadian Field Trip - An Internet-based field trip through each of Canada's provinces and territories.
Great Canadian Story Engine - Interactive storytelling community where Canadians can share their personal stories about Canada and retell their collective history in their own words, images and voices. [Bilingual]
How Canadians Govern Themselves - A detailed explanation of Canada's system of government. Written for students.
Inuvialuit of the Western Arctic - An in-depth look at the Inuit people from ancient times until the turn of the 20th century. Includes photos. Based on research by Dr. David Morrison of the Canadian Museum of Civilization.
Maple Sugar in Nova Scotia - Photos and text provide outsiders with an introduction to "sugaring-off," an annual tradition in the north country.
Statistics Canada: Student Resources - Statistical data about the nation, its people, the environment, and the economy.
The Canadian Kids Page - Provides kids, parents and teachers with a place to find Canadian and international sites. Kids can share artwork, and poetry while parents can share anecdotes about their kids.
The Premier's Kid Zone - Includes a message from the premier, a virtual tour of Ontario, a trivia game, history, and a simple explanation of how Canada's government works. In English and French.
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