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AboutArthritis.com: Lyme Disease - A definition of this disorder along with a look at the symptoms, diagnoses, treatment and prevention.
Advanced Topics in Lyme Disease - Diagnostic Hints and Treatment Guidelines for Lyme and Other Tick Borne Illnesses, Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr., M.D., Thirteenth Edition, May, 2000.
Arthritis Insight: Lyme Disease - Information, including statistics, diagnosis, treatment, community center, news, tips and resources.
Ask NOAH about: Lyme Disease - New York Online Access to Health, City University of New York page of links pertaining to basics, care and treatment, special issues and complications, and other resources.
Connecticut Tick Control - Fighting Lyme Disease - Comprehensive information regarding tick control and the spread of tick-borne diseases.
HealingWell.com - Message boards and chat, newsletter, disease information, patient experiences and stories, directory of related sites, books, email and other resources for patients with Lyme disease.
Health A to Z - Feature vaccination information, treatment, message boards, symptoms, risk quiz, and basic information on Lyme disease.
Information from Your Family Doctor - A description of Lyme disease along with a look at the symptoms, the later stages, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and what to do if a tick is found on the skin.
Lots of Links on Lyme Disease - Over 12,000 links in 80 categories.
Lyme Disease - Links to news, information, and support for patients with this disease.
Lyme Disease Audio Network - The place to hear audio archives of news and public service announcements to help educate people about the seriousness of this disease.
Lyme Disease Explained - A brief explanation of what causes this disease and how it is spread to humans.
Lyme Disease Information and Support - Located in Boston area Massachusetts. Links and updated information on this and other tick-borne diseases, babesiosis and erlichiosis. Also help getting diagnosed and treated.
Lyme Disease Risk Assessments (LDRAs) - Risk assessments conducted by U.S. Army at various military installations, 1983-1996.
Lyme Disease: A Patient's Guide - Prepared as part of a cooperative agreement between the American College of Physicians and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Includes an introduction, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and a glossary.
Lyme Disease: The Sensible Pursuit of Answers - By Kenneth B. Liegner, M.D., Armonk, New York
Lyme Diseases - A large collection of links about and related to this disease.
Lyme on the Loose: What's Inside this Tick? - Offers an introduction, trees, ticks and spirochetes, fewer trees more disease, outbreaks from outer space and disease detectives. Also more resources available by providing your email address.
Mayo Clinic: Lyme Disease - A description of the disease plus complications, risk factors, diagnosis and treatment.
Sharing Our Stories - A Lyme disease web site with a message board along with several other topics of interest. Information to pass on and contributions are welcome.