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Axis Productions - Makers of "Rock, Paper, Scissors" server-side mod. Be a sore loser and kill the winners.
Cry Havoc - Class-based mod featuring EM Trooper, Marine, Navy Seal, Rocketman, Sapper, Techy, Vampire, or Rigger. Supports co-op and teamplay.
Gloom - Features marines fighting alien spiders. Each class boasts unique abilities.
King of the Hill - Find the "hill" and rack up time defending it. Whoever has accumulated the most time by the end of the level is crowned the KotH.
L-Fire DM - A server-side mod that adds many significant features to Quake2 Deathmatch.
Lithium II - A server-side mod that adds many features and options to Quake2 such as offhand hook, Zbotkick, runes, etc.
Mod Central - Your site for mod news, reviews, interviews, and guides.
NIQ (No Item Quake) - Server-side mod which completely removes all items (weapons, ammo, powerups, techs etc.) from the game. The server controls which weapons all players have. This makes the game play emphasize fighting skills rather than item fetching/controlling and makes most matchups very even.
OSP Rocket Olympics - A virtual playland of rocket jumping feats. Categories includ Height, Distance, and Accuracy and Quad Height! Each event has progressively more difficult jumps to make.
OSP Tourney DM - Server-side tournament-style deathmatch mod featuring 4 modes of operation: Regular DeathMatch, Qualifier DeathMatch, Team DM, and 1v1 DM.
Q-Racing - Race Micro Machines cars.
QPong - Remember Pong? Forget it. It's nothing like Pong. It's a lot more like Hockey played with rocket lanchers and railguns in place of sticks and no crappy rules to get in the way.
Quake2 Cluster Project - Project to develop a common API among Q2 mods, so mods can be easily combined. The API will also allow servers to link up together into a massive multiplaying universe.
R1CH's Quake 2 MODs! - A small collection of Q2 mods I have made. Got an idea for a small MOD? Send it to me and I may make it. - Official support site of the Quake II Requiem MOD. Get the files you need for your Quake II Requiem server.
Roll Your Own - Lets you change and rebuild Quake2 DM to make your own mod. Using a Windows 95/98/NT interface, you can give new life to DM/CTF/HeadHunters/HHctf. Powerups and weapons can be changed and added.
Spine Design - We are a dedicated group of mod makers that try and create interesting, good looking mods for Quake II, Heretic II, Sin and Halflife.
Superheroes for Quake2 - "A Quake2 mod that lets you take on various superpowers in the name of truth, justice, and kicking some ass."
TagYerIt: One Against Many - Server-side deathmatch mod based on the premise of "one versus all." One person is "it" and can inflict more damage and take less damage than everyone else. Everyone else tries to kill "it." The person who kills "it" becomes "it."
The Gloom Map Depository - Maps, information, news, and reviews.

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