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Isle of the Moon - Fight enemies with steel and spells in a world similar to Ultima. A free, graphical, real-time fantasy solo adventure. Java.
Javamud Online - Travel this rapidly expanding world solo and explore its nooks and crannies. A free, graphical, MUD-like game. Java. Users behind some firewalls will not be able to play.
Knight's Quest: Online RPG - Adventure in a world similar to Bard's Tale. A free, graphical, fantasy solo adventure. Javascript.
Magic and Warriors - FREE Choose from over 15 types of characters, each with their own unique abilities! Find wealth and fortune, run through harsh quests and mazes, solve riddles and mysteries, buy a house, slain a dragon, start a family, get married, go fishing, test your luck in a casino, extract mineral and forge your own weapons, you can do it all!
Mystery & Magic Web Worlds - Experience the mystery and the magic.
Paradise Islands - A game where you can play any of the Royal Family, knights, nobles, commoners, or Raiders. You can own dragons, too.
Phantasie Crossroads - Dedicated to the preservation of medieval fantasy Free-Form roleplay and writing, as well as the idea and hope of creating a positive online roleplaying community.
Quest - Help Brandin and Vorin in their adventures through the Septentrie Realm and become a great wizard. A free, choose-your-own-adventure game. HTML with Javascript.
RRA Dragonball Z/GT RPG - Dragonball Z roleplaying in BeSeen chat rooms.
Realm Of Epsilon's Keep (ROEK) - Walking through the forest, you happen upon a secluded town set high in the mountains. Merchants, townspeople and commoners dwell here. Based on AOL with an alternate Web chat room for non-AOL users.
Realms of Valor - Interactive swords and sorcery fantasy role-playing environment offering live chat, message boards and plot driven rooms.
Role Playing Games.Net - Play Star Wars or AD&D online.
Sailor Moon RPG - A different version of Senshi's journey, starting from the very beginning. Many spots still open.
Shattered Light - Welcome to Terris, Capital of Delos. The main purpose of this site is to give players of the computer game Shattered Light a easy way to find their way around the city.
Space Pirate - Roleplaying game where players roleplay scrupleless space pirates in search of glory.
Speedwreck's Metal Reign - With all the mecha from Gundam, Macross and Battletech you are fighting against a new evil in the universe. One that has destroyed the Earth and his conquering alien worlds by the dozen.
Star Trek: A Call to Duty - Text-based online multi-player web game. The only official Star Trek game sanctioned by Paramount Entertainment.
Survival Dawn - A survival-horror, text-based RPG in which roleplayers strive to stay alive in a futuristic world.
The Academy - Institution of education for a Star Wars combine freelance roleplaying Group
The Alliance Central Access Network Forums - Message board RPG whose members represent politicians of an influential government that exists in an imaginary roleplaying based on Star Trek, but set 130 years after DS9.

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