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Olympia SIM Horse Game - Olympia is a SIM horse game, which means that nothing is real but is pretend. The thing that makes the game fun is that it seems like you really have the horses.
PKW Stables - A simulated thoroughbred horse farm based on the Gallop Racer game. Site is graphics intensive and updated as game progresses. Offers game information and links.
Pine Hollow Stables - Simulated horse game, space for members is limited.
Pine Hollow Stables - Simulated horse game, space for members is limited.
Pony Crazy - A game where you can "own" simulated horses, as well as take care of them.
Ponyluver - Horse ownership simulation, where you can own as many sim horses as you want! You can ride them and just have fun!
Rainbow Valley - A simulated horse game where one can take care of horses and everything that surrounds them.
Red Forest Horse Sim - Where you can adopt horses of your dreams, if you can't really own one.
Rockin' Horse - Simulated horse club, you own imaginary horses and take care of them.
Run for the Roses - The horse sim game for the horse-freak. A typical sim game with everything packed into it. Disasters, Regular Care, Competitions, World Cup, Associations, etc.
Running Wild - A role playing game where you are the horse.
SA Arabians. - A sim game dedicated to my favorite breed of horse, the Arabian.
SIM Horse Of The Month - E-mail your horse's name, breed, gender, and a little about him/her. At the end of each month, the horse with the most votes will win a surprise.
SIM Horse and Cyberhorse Game Webring - This webring is designed to help people find quality cyberhorse games and cyber horse adoptions.
SIMHorse Game Ring - A webring for simulated horse games.
Saddle Riders SIM Club - This is a club for horse lovers who would like to enjoy horses without actually having them. Newsletters, shows, races, and message boards are just some of this game's features.
Satin Story Stables - A place to breed, own, sell, show and take care of SIM horses!
Shady Hill Farm - Each member is equipped with $10,000, a horse, and can race, breed, buy, sell horses, and make many decisions as in the real life world of horses.
Shady Hills - Horse Role playing game. you can be a light, neutral, or evil wild horse. You may be owned by a human, or join as a human.
Shamrock Valley - horse sim game, a land of mystery, magic, and shamrocks!

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