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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
1886: Steinitz - Zukertort (match) - PGN games, crosstable, key game positions.
1894: Lasker - Steinitz (match) - PGN games, crosstable, key game positions.
1921: Capablanca - Lasker (Pre-FIDE/Match) - PGN games, crosstable, key game positions.
1927: Alekhine - Capablanca (Pre-FIDE/match) - PGN games, crosstable, key game positions.
1948: Botvinnik (FIDE/tournament) - PGN Games, crosstable, key game positions of 5-player tournament (Smyslov, Reshevsky, Keres, Euwe) held after Alekhine died holding title.
1960: Tal - Botvinnik (FIDE/match) - PGN games, crosstable, key game positions.
1972: Fischer - Spassky (FIDE/match) - PGN Games, commentary.
1978: Karpov - Korchnoi (FIDE/match) - PGN games and commentary.
1992: Fischer - Spassky (Unofficial/match) - Commentary and game highlights of rematch.
1993 World (PCA) Championship: Garry Kasparov v. Nigel Short - Commentary, biographical intro, and games.
1995 World Chess (Intel PCA) Championship: Kasparov v. Anand - Commentary, games and analysis.
2000 World Chess (Braingames) Championship: Kasparov v. Kramnik - Move-by-move commentary, reports and photos.
Kasparov v. Karpov World Championships - Commentary, games and links for the five world championship matches between these two.
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