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HackDelete Hack - Prevents you from deleting or overwriting a hack if it has not first been deactivated in the HackMaster control panel. Freeware by Benc Software Production.
LeftHack - If you're left handed, you might want this. Moves most scrollbars to the left edge of the screen and move the Up/Down buttons in the popup-keyboard and Tips screens over to the left. By Neal Bridges. [Shareware]
LightHack - Inverts the screen when the backlight is on. On a Palm III, when the backlight is activated, the dark pixels light up instead of the background as on the Palm IIIx and V. On the Palm IIIx and V with this hack, the screen has a glowing background. By Neal Bridges. [Shareware]
MagicText Hack - Easily manipulate text on your PalmPilot using multi-tap selection and drag-and-drop. Includes a context menu with useful related commands, much like Windows right-click menus.
McPhling Hack - Allows you to quickly switch back to the last-used app or popup a list of the most recently used apps with a stroke of the pen. Based heavily on Phlegm Hack. Source code available. Freeware.
MenuHack v1.2 - Lets you click on the titlebar of a PalmOS application to display the application's menu. Works the same as pushing the menu button, but is much more intuitive to PC/Mac users. A must-have if you're running an OS version before 3.5! From DaggerWare's Miscellaneous Hacks page. Freeware.
Neal Bridges' Quartus - On-board Forth compilers , productivity enhancements, and other software for Palm, PalmPilot and daVinci handheld systems. Features a discussion forum and file library.
Open Logo Hack - A program to display images (BW, grayscale, or color) every time your Palm Pilot is turned on. Includes a tool to create the image databases. [Open Source]
Padlock Plus, PadlockHack - Secure your PalmPilot. Allows you to assign a letter to each of the hardware buttons (Datebook, Address, ToDo, Memo and Up/Down). Whenever your handheld is locked, repeat the same combination of buttons to enter your password.
PhlegmHack - Bypass your Application launcher. Switch back the most recently run application with a single stroke. With a different stroke, get a menu of your most recently run applications and favorites. It's like Alt-Tab for the PalmPilot. Similar to SwitchHack. Freeware.
PowerButton Hack - Allows you to select an application to automatically run when your Palm is powered on. Distributed with source code. Freeware.
RunWrite Hack - Quickly switch between apps on your PalmPilot by writing a space in the upper 1/5 of the Graffiti area followed by a letter. [Shareware]
ScreenShot Hack - Captures the current screen of any application on your PalmPilot to a Windows BMP with a single stroke. [Shareware]
ScreenWrite Hack - Lets you write Graffiti characters directly on the screen of your PalmPilot. [Shareware]
Shareware Software by Florent Pillet - Home of the developer of four shareware PalmOS programs: FindHack, SymbolHack, Palm Buddy and BrainForest. FindHack replaces the Palm Find button with a more powerful and complete search. SymbolHack lets users easily type hard-to-write symbols. Palm Buddy is a "finder-like installer and backup management tool" for folks using a Palm with their Mac. Finally, BrainForest is an outliner and hierarchical to-do list manager.
ShiftHack - Regain control of Shift. Eliminates PalmPilot auto-capitalization, and maintains your chosen shift-state between applications. By Neal Bridges. [Shareware]
Swipe Hack - Assign up to 7 pen strokes to launch your favorite apps, Desk Accessories (DA), or built-in functions. Freeware.
SwitchHack - Bypass your Application launcher. Switch back the most recently run application with a single stroke. With a different stroke, get a menu of the ten most recently run applications. It's like Alt-Tab for the PalmPilot. [Shareware]
TealMaster - An enhanced Hackmaster-compatible system extensions manager. Supports advanced features such as multiple profiles, hack priorities, delete-protection, timed automatic enable after reset, and hack status and analysis tools. [Shareware]
TrekSounds Hack - Enjoy StarTrek-like sounds seamlessly integrated into your PalmPilot. [Shareware]

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