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AMUG - Arizona Macintosh Users Group - Based in Phoenix, Arizona, the Arizona Macintosh Users Group (AMUG) is one of the largest and oldest MUGs in the world. We welcome all kinds of new members - Seniors, students, parents, and especially those new to Macs!
Alaskan Apple Users Group - Includes meeting schedule, available resources, newsletter, membership information, and workshop schedule.
Apple - User Groups - Apple user groups share a common interest in Apple products. They provide valuable information and advice through group meetings and newsletters for their community. This web site also provides resources for user groups and for those searching for a user group.
Apple Corps of Dallas - ACD is a non-profit Macintosh computer user group for north Texas, Dallas, and Fort Worth.
AppleCore of Memphis - Dedicated to the support of Apple Computers (Macintosh). This is our official web bbs resource page.
Association of Apple Computer User Groups - A nonprofit organization helping Apple Macintosh, iMac, Powerbook, iBook computer user groups with education, information and UG Academy Awards.
BMUG - Filemaker SIG - San Francisco Bay Area FileMaker Pro Users Group.
BRMUG Web Page - Baton Rouge Macintosh Users Group: Helping Macintosh users more effectively utilize their systems
Ballistic Action Net Macintosh Users Group ((BanMUG)) - Ballistic Action Net is an East Texas ISP that has from its start promised a strong commitment to Mac users and runs its own User Group.
Bucks & Montgomery Counties Macintosh Users Group - Meeting schedule, tips, mailing list, and software downloads. Philadelphia, PA.
CHOMP Home Page - CHampions Of the Mac Proletariat (CHOMP) is a registered Apple Macintosh User Group (MUG) serving all members of the public interested in hardware/software products related to Macintosh, Performa, PowerPC, and PowerBook computers plus the Newton and eMate PDAs.
CherryMUG - CherryMUG is a small but enthusiastic Macintosh User Group in Traverse City, MI.
Club Mac - "A Friendly Macintosh User Group" based in Hampton, VA
Connecticut Macintosh Connection - CMC is a Macintosh User Group based out of West Hartford, CT. Members enjoy monthly meetings featuring representatives from hardware and software companies, industry leaders, and our own members. Other benefits include a question-and-answer forum, the monthly newsletter, disks of the month, discounts on books, videos, and much more!
DC FileMaker Users Group - Washington DC. FileMaker Pro Users Group.
DUsers - Drexel University Mac Users' Group - Home page of "the world's oldest Macintosh users' group"
Double Click, Inc. - Mac OS User Group, Milwaukee, WI - Double Click, Inc., is the Mac OS User Group of Milwaukee, WI. Originally established in 1984, Double Click is the largest User Group in Wisconsin.
HAAUG, the Houston Area Apple Users Group - Houston, Texas
HIDACC Apple Computer Club - Includes newsletter, meeting schedule, software library, and member resources. Lancaster, CA.
Hartford User Group Exchange - The Hartford User Group Exchange was established in 1981 as means of providing a forum for computer users and enthusiasts to exchange information on the newly emerging micro-computing environment.