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Pic-Tac-Toe - Strategy game for Windows.
PipeNightDreams - A PipeMania work alike for Linux in which you keep the sewers from overflowing by building pipes. [Open Source - GPL]
Pipez - Unix version of Pipemania, in which you keep the sewers from overflowing by building pipes. [Open Source - GPL]
PocoMan - A logic and strategy game for Windows featuring the clever and funny character PocoMan. A 21st century super-hero of microscopic proportions.
Qleuren - MasterMind clone for Linux.
Rockfall - Windows game similar to Boulderdash and Repton. The basic idea is to collect all of the diamonds to complete a level, many of which require a lot of locigal thinking to obtain.
Rotating Insanity - A 'Rubik Cube' for Windows.
Rubick's Hypercube - A generalization of the regular Rubik's Cube into 4-dimensional space. This Windows program shows a 3-dimensional "unfolded" version of this 4-dimensional object.
SDL Lopan - Japanese tile game for Linux.
Simon - Windows and Macintosh versions of the classic memory game.
Slate - Magic square puzzle for Windows in which you rearrange numbers to put them in order.
Slide Puzzle - Put your own pictures on a slide puzzle in this ad supported software for Windows.
SoftHeap Logic Puzzles - A set of challenging tile-based games and puzzles that use the same basic game engine. Titles include 'AbcPuzzles', 'Cyclanoid', and 'AlterJig'.
Soko - Sokoban version for windows with 355 levels and a level editor.
SokoMind - Sokoban puzzle for Windows with 60 unique levels.
Sokoban - The popular puzzle game for Windows with over 130 rooms. Solutions can be saved, replayed and compared to find the best one.
Spots3D - 3D visualization for Windows of Spots (Hexagon) and Lines logic games.
Spryjinx - Puzzle competition for DOS in which you must outwit and eliminate your opponent, or evade and outscore him.
Square-Off - A puzzle game for Windows based on an old Japanese game. (Advertiser supported)
Symcal - With 3 levels of game play, student, professor and genius, test your logic thinking. Transform a mathematical problem represented by international flags into a numerical equation. (Windows)

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