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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
CMU Scheme Repository - Part of the greater CMU AI Repository. Has a large overlap with the Indiana repository.
Hello, World program - The Scheme version of the canonical first program.
Indiana University's Internet Scheme Repository - The definitive resource for Scheme on the net. Contains a large catalog of implementations, useful source code, and documents, many of which you won't find anywhere else.
Invitation to Scheme - A chapter from a Scheme book which gives a concise history and good overview of the language.
MIT Project MAC (Switzerland) Archive - The MIT Project on Mathematics and Computation (Switzerland) has a public FTP archive with Scheme implementations, programs, and curiosities.
RRRS-Authors Mailing List Archive - An archive of the mailing list of the authors of the RnRS, from 1984 to 1998.
Reports on the Algorithmic Language Scheme - Specifications for the programming language Scheme.
Scheme Requests For Implementation - A forum for people interested in coordinating libraries and other extensions of the Scheme language between implementations. - A collection of resources for the Scheme language. The place to go to get comprehensive, up-to-date information on all aspects of Scheme: implementations, papers, code, etc. Maintained by the Rice Programming Languages Team, the folks behind MzScheme and DrScheme.
The Scheme Programming Language - The primary Scheme page at MIT, Scheme's birthplace. Provides a short list of implementations, some general documentation, information on the MIT implementation of Scheme, and some random links.
The Scheme Programming Language, Second Edition - Of R. Kent Dybvig's reference manual. Describes R5RS Scheme in a style similar to K&R [Online fulltext version].
The Scheme Underground - An effort aimed at developing useful software packages in Scheme for use in research projects and for distribution on the net.
The Schememonster's Friends - A group of computer science students at the Helsinki University of Technology united by the interest in Scheme - and the insight that we should keep the fun in programming.
The comp.lang.scheme FAQ - Usenet discussion group FAQ archive.
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