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A Study of Extensible Markup Language - Describes the XML effort, makes a survey of most of the associated specifications and discusses new kinds of Java-based Web applications made possible by XML, and makes predictions about the impact that XML will have on some of the existing technologies like Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and the exchange of industrial data (STEP).
Articles on XML by Norman Walsh - Numerous articles about XML, including many on the DocBook DTD for documents.
Comparison of SGML and XML - This W3C discussion paper outlines the differences between SGML and XML.
Design Principles for XML - Ten key points explaining the rationale of the language.
How XML is Changing the Future of Business - This easy to understand article provides an overview of XML.
How to Find the Best XML Server - What to look for when choosing methodologies and software.
Introduction to XML For Web Developers - Making a well-formed XML document valid by using a DTD. (Selena Sol)
Java and XML: 1+1>2 - As presented to Sydney Java Users' Group. Written in XML, converted to HTML using XSL.
OK, So What Is This XML Thing? - David C. Hay. The "Extensible Markup Language" (XML) is a document description language, much like "Hypertext Markup Language" (HTML) used to construct web pages. It is much more versatile than HTML, however, and as such it has profound implications on how we view what the web is and what it can do.
Scientific American: XML and the Second-Generation Web - Excellent article for executives and those needing the big view.
TechWeb: IBM Eggheads: Web Trumps Windows - Web technologies, especially XML, negate the need for Windows, according to some high-powered IBM technologists.
The Web is Ruined and I Ruined It - Arguments for mixing structure, data and presentation.
Thoughts and Software - Now unmaintained list of ideas and simple tools from the early days.
VBXML - XML Articles - A list of PowerPoint articles about XML, covering many features.
WML or XML? - Which standard is better for developing for the wireless market?
XML - What's in it for us - This article presents a brief overview of XML, including its background, applications, and future. (Janus Boye)
XML 1.0 - Brief introduction to XML for HTML programmers.
XML Query Languages: Experiences and Exemplars - This paper identifies features of an XML query language by examining four existing query languages: XML-QL, YATL, Lorel, and XQL. The authors argue that the languages from database community possess striking similarities and XQL, which comes from the document community, lacks some key functionality of the others.
XML Today - News and in depth articles on-line.
XML and Java: The Perfect Pair - A close look at XML software, focusing strictly on products and tools written in Java because XML and Java are two technologies which make a "perfect pair". (Ken Sall / WDVL)

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