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Dovzhenko, Alexander Yu. - Neural networks for computer clusters, oscillations in neural networks
Freeman, William T. - Bayesian perception, computer vision, image processing.
Frey, Brendan J. - Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo. Source coding, computer vision, and iterative decoding.
Ghahramani, Zoubin - Sensorimotor control, unsupervised learning, probabilistic machine learning.
Ghosh, Joydeep - Adaptive multi-learner systems, intelligent data analysis, data and web mining.
Heskes, Tom - Learning and generalization in neural networks.
Hinton, Geoffrey E. - Unsupervised learning with rich sensory input. Most noted for being a co-inventor of back-propagation.
Honavar, Vasant - Constructive learning, computational learning theory, spatial learning, cognitive modelling, incremental learning.
Hopfield, John J. - Neural networks, collective behaviour of systems of simple processors. Most noted for Hopfield networks.
Jaakkola, Tommi S. - Graphical models, variational methods, kernel methods.
Jensen, Finn Verner - Graphical models, belief propagation.
Joachims, Thorsten - Support vector machines, machine learning and natural language, statistical learning theory, text classification.
Jordan, Michael I. - Graphical models, variational methods, machine learning, reasoning under uncertainty.
Kakade, Sham - Reinforcement learning and conditioning, mathematical models of neural processing.
Kali, Szabolcs - Learning and memory in the brain, hippocampus.
Kappen, Bert - Boltzmann machines, computational neurobiology, online learning.
Kawato, Mitsuo - Computational neuroscience, neural network modelling.
Kearns, Michael - Reinforcement learning, probabilistic reasoning, machine learning, spoken dialogue systems.
Keysers, Daniel - Pattern recognition and statistical modelling for object recognition.
Koller, Daphne - Probabilistic models for complex uncertain domains.

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