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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Shamans Way - New York City band, rock music the way it should be. All fluff. Free MP3s, show schedule and bio. Follow The Path......
Sheffield - Rock band site, featuring songs for download and listening, background, and merchandise information.
Slip, The - Boston-based power trio with heavy jazz and world rhythm roots. The Slip site has tour dates, tunes, tape trading information, and general Slip mayhem.
Soullotta - Local jam band, based in the Huron County area, Ohio. Biographies, news, events, merchandise, and photos.
Sound Tribe Sector 9 - Santa Cruz-based, 5-piece electronic jam band fusing live instruments with "electronica".
Stover Central - The Pompeii Stoveheads' Official Website provides a history and profile of an eclectic alternative rock band.
Strange Pleasure - A Portland, Maine-based band. With show schedule, pictures, press, MP3s, and biography.
Strangefolk - Vermont-based acoustic-guitar driven 5-piece. Site has tour dates,show photos, sound clips, taping policy, and CD and memorabilia sales.
Sun Don't Lie - Sun Don't Lie is a group of five messengers spreading the word of divine improvisational cosmic harmony. Under the direct guidance of the Red Book, Sun Don't Lie has been given the mission of forever altering people's perceptions of music.
The Atlantic Caravan - R.I. blues-based rock-jam band. Band biographies, downloads, booking information, upcoming shows dates and links to other local artists.
The Peach Truck Republic - Homepage of the progressive-folk-blues band with biography, RealAudio samples and lyrics.
Tom's Cosmic Radio - Home page of the four piece improv-based band from Sarasota playing jazz/funk and experimental jams mixed with more straightfoward material.
Umphrey's McGee - Contains biographies, reviews, photos, and set-lists.
Unicron - Jam band from South Jersey. Includes news and photos.
Urth - California's delta funk/jazz/groove band. Includes a biography, audio files and lyrics.
Van Wicklen, Ed - Biography and booking information for this singer/songwriter/performer from York, Pennsylvania.
Vermin Furley - Contains MP3s, show schedule, band biographies, photos, news, mailing list information, and a message board for this Long Island based band.
Wax Planet - Raleigh, North Carolina, quintet, featuring members' profiles, tour dates, MP3s, photos, and reviews.
Who's The Fat Guy? - Official site. Boston based trio consists of melodic keys, groovie bass, and hard hitting drums. Check out the MP3s.
Wig Salad - Bay area 5 piece jam band, with elements of funk, jazz, world rhythms, and blugrass. Wig Salad site includes tour dates, biographies, and music.